
It’s usually in NY, Boston, usually big cities with tons of latins... outside the US you would probably only hear it in Puerto Rico, other Latin american countries have different names, in mine they call them “Colmados”

I’m sorry, but this just makes me hate and pity Aubrey O’Day, whoever the fuck she is. She spread ‘em for a TRUMP. A TRUMP.

I don’t know who Aubrey O’Day is. I don’t know who (possibly *what*) Danity Kane is. I’m not gonna look it up. I’m just going to revel in my ignorance.

These are people so bereft of happiness or pride in their own lives that the only solace they can seek is to actively oppose it in others. Pathetic.

I loved “Wrinkle.” It’s different from the book, and yeah, it has some problems, but it is magical in its own way. (I was disappointed that Aunt Beast didn’t show up, simply because I wanted to see how they’d depict her.) My niece is biracial and Meg-like in many ways, and is about the same age as Storm Reid. I kept

haha. I hear you but I think there is partial truth in this. If the last person isn’t your cat, and is a person like me for example, maybe something about my life philosophy or my actions will help inspire you to take on a passion project or inspire to you to learn a new skill or something. So although, I don’t agree

a barrel full of stars for you today

Medically, it’s proven words CAN hurt you.

We probably shouldn’t live by childrens’ rhymes.

What happened to “Don’t say things you know are offensive, because that’s the kind of thing assholes do?”

the lawyer knows you intend to commit perjury (my bet)

Including what other people think. Only lifelong children and marketers give a shit whether anything is considered dorky.

I’m 68, so bite me.

Absolutely. This seems to be true of Jewish people as well.

I think this is common in general. My uncle lived on public assistance for fucking years, but once he’d managed to climb out of the hole he’d landed in, he went right back to being a Republican. He’d give that classic “Well, my problems were different.” speech and everything.

It’s amazing how Ajit and Dinesh align themselves with people who will be more than happy to throw them out when the time comes for them.

Same. The racist policy stuff is just icing on the anti-choice cake.

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

Crap like this, and the response of “just get over it” is part of the reason I stopped watching Anime.

Yeah, part of resisting fascism is defiant joy in the face of those who want to oppress you. I know there’s a lot of bleakness and darkness in the world right now, so I’m savoring the few refuges I have been able to find joy in.