I’d like to put Meghan McCain and Chelsea Clinton in the same room to see if it would trigger some kind of nepotistic black hole into which unmerited money would fly.
I’d like to put Meghan McCain and Chelsea Clinton in the same room to see if it would trigger some kind of nepotistic black hole into which unmerited money would fly.
I’m a white immigration lawyer. When I recount how ICE will kick open a door to a Mexican family’s home at 5:00 in the morning, rush in with several well-armed agents in body armor, round up everyone in the house and zip-tie their hands behind their backs and make them kneel on the living room floor (all while…
OK, Hollywood, can we finally put to rest the myth that ‘minority lead films don’t make enough money to merit financing?’
I bet if Trump thought there was some ‘classy’ pussy to grab inside the school, he could run. Or at least power waddle.
I sit here and wonder how someone can just straight-faced lie on a daily basis on behalf of a delusional narcissist, and then I remember who her father is, why she has the job, and how this has probably been her ‘normal’ for most of her life. But it does seem to be taking its toll.
It’s been six years since that post. I’ve taken on a project (converting a 1930s farm house into a ‘fantasy medieval inn’ for nerds like me to pretend we’re in Middle-earth for the weekend.
As a fellow lawyer, looking at Ms. Dhillon in that photo- when you look like that sitting next to your client, it’s time to retire, try and finish that novel, and see if you can reclaim your soul while you still have time left on Earth.
Maybe you can convince Walmart to start selling some Black Panther-brand fainting couches.
It seems to me that the biggest whiners and criers are middle-aged white guys who are all pouty because they get called out for being assholes to people who aren’t like them. And before you jump to any conclusions, I’m a middle-aged white guy who learned some time, probably around elementary school, to treat other…
If Pence won’t have a meal alone with a woman who isn’t his wife, because, you know, he might just snap in the presence of a temptress, will he have a meal alone with a gay man?
That’s why you can plead the fifth; a defendant may remain silent to avoid saying something incriminating. If a lawyer encourages perjury by his or her client, the lawyer can end up on the hook, too.
So having them type up an account of their day, broken into ten minute increments, is right out then?
I want to see Sessions versus the girl in a trial by combat- at least it will put the odds in her favor.
I’m shocked; everyone from Pat Robertson to Joel Osteen to Creflo Dollar and Benny Hinn knows that you bring in a corrupt legal team at the get-go to avoid these kinds of problems.
Someone’s fanfic was not well received, was it?
And considering the high regard given to such fanfic as the New Testament, the Quran, the Book of Mormon, etc.
Not sure which way to jump on “The Eye of Argon:” Chelsea Quinn Yarbro should really refrain from mocking other people’s crappy writing, or if Chelsea Quinn Yarbro thinks your work is hilariously bad, it must be a real stinker.
There are so few Jewish people in the area, my sister says that they pretty much socialize with the Catholics.
1) I’ve been called a race traitor more than once when people found out that I’m an immigration lawyer. 2) My family lost a friend, a Jewish immigrant from France, to Trumpism because of the anti-Muslim rhetoric.
I think the more into the South one gets, the more ‘Cath-o-lics,’ as my transplanted Yankee sister is called, circle the wagons with a lot of recent immigrants (read: Hispanics). The Klan spread (and still spreads) its traditional hate against African-Americans, Jews, and Catholics, along with a new anti-Hispanic…