
OK, I got it. I have a hard time watching his films because I’m always looking for the Scientology themes (cyclical history, special training resulting in super powers, etc.).

I had a friend who published a few titles back in the ‘90s, and I helped him out at GenCon over the course of maybe six or seven years. It was always fun to talk to other publishers and trade books. And yeah, Gygax sat there like Jabba the Hutt. I doubt he would have traded rolls of toilet paper for the works of

There was an interesting article about Stan Lee several months ago that addressed his crass self-promotion and willingness to gloss over the contributions of others, among other things. It was balanced and I wish I could remember what website had it.

I don’t think that there are a whole lot of people who like Scientology but dislike L. Ron Hubbard. Both the creator and creation are equally reviled.

Literate people have to survive in order for there to be ‘history.’ I’m not so sure that’s in the cards at this point.

Maybe they can get some Mexican immigrants to fill the labor shortage.

A tangent to the education disparity is that when minority families try to move to neighborhoods with better-funded schools, they may get caught up in a white flight tipping point. From what I’ve read, depending on the local culture, when a neighborhood has as small as 5% African-American or Hispanic residents, white

And I’m guessing the 1791 is the arrival date of your illustrious genetic line on North American shores? Parvenu. As a descendant of a 1680s European arrival to North America, all I can say is that I wish they would have been as aggressive in keeping out Europe’s detritus by such a late date.

Can you imagine if, say, firefighters or soldiers became this risk averse? “Yeah, that house was on fire and those kids were screaming from the upstairs window, but, fuck, you know, you could get burned or worse trying to save them.”

But.... Kushner’s felon daddy used stolen money to buy sonny-boy a spot at Harvard. You know, Harvard. We’re supposed to defer to all the products of that great institution.

Take it with a grain of salt- it’s hearsay, after all- but this apparently leaks into Pence’s professional life as well. I spoke to someone who worked with him for a year at a law firm. He only ever spoke to white male colleagues. The guy said it was uncanny- like a substantial portion of the employees of the firm

I spoke to him for about half an hour in the early 1990s at an event in Detroit. He seemed lucid, although very much peddling his BFF Jesus. Seriously, I think he’s had a serious of strokes or maybe early onset dementia. He wasn’t the glassy-eyed space cadet then that he is now.

When I pointed this out on Reddit, I was informed that it was the other person’s ‘opinion’ that freedom of speech didn’t require a state action. When I responded that the other person’s opinion doesn’t matter, that the fact is the definition, and added a definition, I was informed that I was the

Sadly, I don’t find such a quick slide into ignorance hard to imagine. If our economy implodes at the level that the Roman imperial one did at its end, we have very few people with basic knowledge of pre-industrial skills, a huge portion of the society who are dependent on the technological inertia of today’s society

I laugh until I realize that lunatic gets invited to advise the White House, and I’ll bet no doctor of history will be invited to give input by the current administration.

Not if you look remotely ‘Jewish’ to them. Like me- you know, curly hair and glasses, I’m practically a rabbi. Although I’m not Jewish, I’ve been on the receiving end of antisemitism from both Neonazis and Nation of Islam adherents.

It’s chewy!

Bully for grandma! I’m sure she saw some real inhumanity towards other humans in her life and couldn’t help but react.