They’re just going to get one of those guys in a horse mask.
They’re just going to get one of those guys in a horse mask.
Why!? Why!? Why!?
Hmm. Does this mean we can revisit Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, etc. and their outing of Valery Plame as a CIA agent?
His lifestyle is exactly what his lower end of the economic spectrum supporters think ‘successful’ is: slap gold on everything and get a Real Doll(tm) for a wife. The man has all the class of a Powerball winner one crack pipe away from the morgue. It’s as if Jed Clampett’s meth-cooking cousin had made the fortune,…
Living in the Vast Cornfield (IN), I can confirm that Jesus’ Most Bland Best Friend Pence isn’t what he seems, and will go for the throat at the first chance. He’s convinced that God wants him to be President, and what a perfect way, since all those heathen libruls would never elect him, so he just rides in on the…
Not to mention visits from the civilian volunteer Patriot Patrol members in your neighborhood. “Hi, Jiminy. Uh, we noticed that you haven’t been to church for two Sundays in a row, and that there’s not a prominant portrait of Jesus in your living room. It’s, uh, also been noted that you’ve eaten at Taco Bell…
You know how the US has a long history of placing military advisors in allied countries to train locals on how to build an army? President Trump would have our Saudi allies sending over Morality Police to train local cops on how to enforce his vision of America.
Pay per view, of course.
Golden faucets, golden chairs, golden showers- with Trump, it’s all just classy, classy, classy.
Trump’s twist on Reagan’s Trickle Down Economics.
New work opportunities in the age of Trump: Post-frakking earthquake clean up; Scrubbing hotel toilets, picking strawberries, processing poultry, or any number of vacant jobs after the Great Mexican Purge of ‘18; making uniforms and unit patches for quasi-military civilian Patriot Patrols; dumpster diving.
We did it... unless, of course, Jesus didn’t want us to, say, bake a cake for a gay wedding.
Just like North Korea- dance for Dear Leader, or else.
True. Pendleton is probably the largest part of CA coast that is undeveloped.
It’s a race to see if San Diego is going to be subsumed by greater Los Angeles, greater Tijuana, or a rising Pacific Ocean.
I’m a ‘four seasons, low population density, plenty of potable water’ kind of guy. Orange county makes me think of one unending strip mall.
Plus, their dismissive attitude compounded it. The second guy who showed acted as if fixing cable (or even phone lines) far, far outweighed the very likely possibility that someone was going to be injured.
Do you speak from experience, or reputation? Frankly, I got bored with San Diego, as beautiful as the area is, and considering it’s kind of a (shrinking) island stuck between the exurban sprawl of LA and Tijuana, it’s not exactly paradise.
I think the operative word is ‘control;’ it implies that Jews are a monolith, all in on some grand conspiracy to, I don’t know, brain wash gentiles. It plays back in large part to Nazi antisemitic propaganda, this idea that there’s a centuries-old, worldwide conspiracy of Jews secretly controlling the world. As a…
I guess she never looked up the history of Aramark and who founded it.