
I'm sure they've found a pair of scissors somewhere along the way. Maybe Herschel's just getting back in touch with his late 1960s self.

I used to take exotic animals to schools and teach science programs. Once, while on the road, our 10 foot long python disgorged a semi-digested guinea pig it had been fed a couple of days before. It was the most repulsive thing I've ever seen or smelled. I had to clean the snake off in order to take it to school

Haven't read it yet, so no spoilers, but I think the dark humor comes from when it was written. I remember reading an interview with him about the book and he was so disgusted about George W. Bush being reelected that the novel was in a way a parable for flag waving, Bible-thumping fascists taking over the US.

You won't actually see any black market merchandise in New Zealand; after changing their labor laws to accomodate Peter Jackson's hiring of most of the people on the films as contractors instead of actors, Saul Zaentz d/b/a Middle Earth Enterprises cut a deal with their law enforcement authorities. Anyone daring to

Ultimately, I think it's fueled by fear. As I get older and contemplate my own mortality, it really sucks. It would be nice to turn off that portion of my brain by saying, "Jesus died for my sins. When I shuffle off this mortal coil, I will be rewarded with everlasting life in Paradise, reunited with my loved

I'm amazed at the mental gymnastics it takes to retain a medieval worldview while functioning (at least at a basic level) in the early 21st century. Hence the conspiracy stuff- anything that contradicts a Bronze Age myth is dumped into 'they're in cahoots to make Christians look bad' or 'they're tools of the Devil.'

Yeah, I'm disappointed that it seems a lot more reliant on CGI than the previous films. And Testicles Chin, the Great Goblin, looks ridiculous.

I've heard it's already caught up in a bidding war between Tom Cruise and Kanye West.

I met Eastman and Laird at a comic book convention the week TMNT #3 came out, I think it was 1984 or 1985. It was black and white, magazine size, and I think the covers were black, white and just one color. Yeah- it was pretty dark and violent. Over the next year or so, as the book took off, and to their credit,

That's where I'm originally from, too, and I found myself telling someone I'm from Michigan when I was in Minnesota earlier this year.

Yeah, I was going to say, "They don't mention bicycles or kangaroos in the Bible, either, but I'm pretty sure both exist," then I realized that they let me use their fax machine when I need one, so I let it slide.

I'm stuck in a backwards little town called Indianapolis. When I moved here four years ago for my wife's work, I didn't realize how high the buckle on the Bible Belt rides.

The comment was along the lines of, "This is the kind of bullshit stuff that militant athiests make up and post on the internet in order to make fun of Christians."

Earlier this year, I was accused of being a rabid atheist who made up my account of overhearing a woman complain that the search for life on Mars was a waste of money because "If God had put life on other planets, he would have mentioned it in the Bible." Talking about this upcoming Mars announcement with the husband

When I saw that image, my first thought was, "Wow- did they show the edge of her undies in a 1950s image?" Then I thought that it must be a more recent interpretation.

Yeah- it was by no means a 'flop.' I read that Disney set it up as an economic failure for tax purposes. But then again, I read that on the internet, so take it with a grain of salt. Fun movie and Dejah Thoris is pretty hot, if that's what you go for.

Untrue, there are plenty of androids working there, too. You can tell from the bizarre, emotionless way they pause between words, and how they fumble over all proper nouns in other languages except Spanish, which are overpronounced with the trilling "r"s and vigor of a 10th grade Spanish teacher.

Exactly, for someone who has devoted his life to the study of Mars, the remnants of chemicials that may or may indicate that living things had existed on Mars billions of years ago would be 'earthshaking.' Nothing less than something alive there now would do it for the rest of us.

But wouldn't the increased radiation be beneficial, turning the astronauts into superheroes?