
I don't think that it works poorly at all. I think that it works exactly how the states and municipalities want it to. Amazon has a DC the size of a small city in Nevada, and the only reason that they built it there was because of a the tax rates both on income, and real estate. The tax code was crafted by the

Glad you're not in any way, shape, or form, in charge of the policing of taxpayers... They're operating within the letter of the law. To be quite frank about it, I don't care if they have a trillion dollars, they've earned it...

Just gonna leave this here...

You don't think that Bill Gates does all he can to fund raise and promote politicians that follow his way of thinking and agree with his agenda? Take your head out of the sand. It's easier to fundraise and promote with a billionaires income than being a middle class citizen.

It doesn't matter if he gave a nickel or a billion dollars. It's was Job's money to do with as he saw fit. The whole concept of giving publicly is a very double edged sword. Some people do it to provoke others to do the same (I genuinely believe that Gates falls into that group), others do it for the publicity.

Learn to read and perhaps you can see the relevant argument:

I would really feel like there was a story here, except for the fact that Amazon is right by my parents place in Nevada, when I can see their corporate headquarters from my condo in Seattle. Most the people in my building seem to work there...

It only takes a moment. Contact with the chip delivers the info almost instantly, same as swiping the mag-stripe on a card. You're probably thinking more about the RFID chips that they have been putting into cards.

That's essentially what VTEC and all of it's offshoots are. Just a cam with two lobes. One for low RPM fuel sipping goodness, and one for high RPM shenanigans...

Go Huskies...

It's a sim card essentially. And we all know that those can be cloned.

My bank already does it... Blue backlighting that flashes in a rhythmic pattern.

What the hell are you talking about with "early adopter?" Commercial solar power has been around for over thirty years. The price is still astronomical when compared to other alternatives.

Oddly enough, his comment wasn't pink when I replied... Wish I could undo that one and just leave him in his own little world.

Hearted SBP1...

The part where you said "this is not always an option" is the point when your argument failed...

And while I applaud you, I consider them to be leaches...

If you hold less than a year, yes. If you own for more than a year, you're taxed at Capital Gains rates, which (depending upon your tax bracket) can be substantially better. I never trade short term because I simply do not want to pay the much higher rate of taxation.

Perhaps you don't understand how power works? It's not like it flows across existing lines and your's is different from everyone else's. It's electrons, not data. You can't filter who's power is on the line and clarify what you're buying.

Tried to read the CRESC paper in it's entirety. Six pages in I have read the term "we doubt" enough to know that it's an opinion piece that uses flimsy research to back a conclusion that is more realistically.