
Adam Brody’s role on The O.C.

I do remember I went to my day job—I was a waiter at a place on 10th Avenue—and I said, “I just got a part in Goodfellas!” ... And one of the guys said, “Oh, I’m going down there tomorrow, and I’m taking my stuff, because if you got a part, I know I’m going to get a part.” [Laughs.] He was like, “They must just be

Why are moderate dems always looking to divide the party?

When will establishment Democrats learn that you can’t have an effective party if you insist on playing purity politics and having a temper tantrum every time you don’t get your way?  This moderate circular firing squad is why Democrats keep losing. You have to think about the good of the party, and stop attacking

What the what? The cousin one is the exact same letter to Danny Lavery in Dear Prudence this week in Slate.

I’m fine putting cousin fucking in the “not for me, but two consenting adults, so who gives a shit” barrel along with furries and sounders, but this guy’s been lying about it for three decades, and there is something at least troubling about keeping something this potentially family-ruining a secret for that long and

What JW did to CC was wrong by the standards of the time and is wrong now. There is a lesson in here that is important for all of us to remember. There is a danger in declaring yourself (or being declared) any kind of activist, ally, hero, etc. and then never questioning it or changing over time. If you start out in

Yeah, while there was plenty else to object to, I was always confused by that reading of the scene - I came out of the movie thinking the “monster” bit referred to her being an assassin (?). But, I’ve never rewatched the movie, so I could’ve been wrong.

I honestly wonder if Whedon actually truly believed the things he was saying early in his career?

Do they sun their genitals together?

The promotional tours for the Divergent movies were an endless source of “Is she fucking serious?” amusement.

Her last serious boyfriend was a professional athlete, so this whole “I don’t know sportsball shtick” seems a bit rehashed. But congrats to them. I’m curious how they met. .. I do like that Rodgers dates accomplished, independent women.

It’s, uh, *interesting* that the Olivia Munn interview suggesting a famous ex was gay came out in, checks notes, August, mere weeks after the Danica breakup and now, just 3 months later there’s an engagement between two people who’ve been “long distance dating” between two whole ass countries during a global pandemic. 

I could honestly see Twisted Metal working as a show if those making it just go full Ash Vs. Evil Dead with the project. Goofy, violent, goofily violent, and with the edgelordy shit left in the aughts. Where it belongs.

I call this type the aggressive/arrogant nerd. Welles called it. There’s a lot of these types out there. Some are just annoying. Some are Allen.

Yikes that’s eerie.

Yeah, all of his films are pretty much, “They can’t get enough of me! Young, old, young, young, younger, whatever... ME, the bespectacled nebbish with attractive characteristics...”

I should be inured to peoples’ cruelty, but I’m not. This doesn’t affect these people one way or another. But they can’t stand the thought of others getting financial relief, so they hate it, truly hate it, with all the fire of a thousand suns.