
Right, I’M pouty for saying that M4A is not only achievable in our lifetime but also worth fighting for. But YOU’RE not at all having a fit, you’re just having a very normal one as you melt down because a blogger has praised a candidate with something less than absolute, unreserved, glowing adoration.


Yeah, seeing comments like “This was one of the greatest acceptance speeches in history!” Go off, I guess...

Jesus Christ, what will be enough for you people? Does she have to fake an orgasm every time she mentions him for it to be enthusiastic enough? 

Bratty” is an interesting way to describe a pretty positive write up about Biden’s speech, but go off I guess.

And the fact that it was used for something as weak as the ACA was a disgrace.

What is unfair about the article? This article is the author’s own assessment of the speech. How can that possibly be unfair? Unless you think she is, like, lying about how the speech struck her, then I’m not sure what it is you want. Or, to be more specific, I think it’s clear that while you claim to want a “fairly

While I do agree the pessimism gets old, so does the constant need for some to have the candidate completely fawned over. Biden’s speech did exactly what it needed to do. It wasn’t anything more or less than that.

This is a free blog site that provides political analysis. If you want to read the Associated Press, go there. There is no such thing as unbiased media; only media that is open about it, and media that is not. Ashley is putting it out in the open. If you want to be coddled, again, there are many different sites you

Its incredibly fair to bring up a candidates past record when they promise things they have generally failed to stand for during an election cycle. It’s how we hold politicians accountable and make sure they aren’t making promises they don’t intend to keep.

It’s ridiculous, though not unexpected, how some people are reacting in the comments. This was an unambiguously positive take on Biden’s speech and yet people are tripping over themselves to call Ashley petulant and bratty. 

Eh, I’ll take it. I don’t care if they hold their noses while voting for him... as long as they vote for him. I don’t need everyone to love him.

Thank you for a measured and thoughtful analysis of Biden’s acceptance speech.  There is going to be a lot of cringing and scolding over anything remotely critical of Biden, but I prefer to take him at his word that he will choose facts over fiction.

I love this attitude so many Democrats seem to have adopted. “Republicans who don’t stand up to Trump are spineless cowards. Faux News is just a Trumpaganda outlet, not real news. How do idiot Republicans not see what a disaster Trump is? Also, if you say a single bad word about Joe Biden, if your comments about him

Millennials are reaching forty years old. Stop dismissing a grown ass adult with an opinion because you don’t like it. Do you want propaganda? Do you want Ashley to not be honest in her analysis? It’s hers, not yours. FFS she gave a shot out to Warren and that’s still not enough for you (and others on this thread).

This is easily in one of my top-ten fave moments of working in a second-run cinema years ago. I worked quite a few nights that we played this gem. Over the course of the film, before Kingsley even showed up on-screen, you could hear the faint sounds of the wooden cinema seats creaking back from the weight of the

Given how many Democrats seem interested in rehabilitating George W. Bush, it’s not really surprising that Bill keeps getting invites to speak at prominent events (where we then hope he doesn’t put his foot in his mouth like he did at John Lewis’s funeral). But man, do I wish he would go away forever (I say as someone

I really can’t, and won’t, argue this.

I don’t even want to wear my Bulls hat out of fear for it being confused from afar for a MAGA hat, which I guess is roughly a lateral move from the normal reason I don’t want to wear it: the shame of being a Bulls fan.

I revisited The Ugly Organ the other day for the first time in at least half a decade, and I dare say that the album holds up. The Postal Service album, however, felt overplayed by the third time I heard “Such Great Heights.” And by then that song was absolutely everywhere.

Also, in the pantheon of early aughts