
Those Chris Lilley shows are so fucking bad. Beyond offensive they’re all just overlong and boring.

My fiancé has an ex-girlfriend who just can’t let it go.

I can only speak for myself, but—NO! As a white person who loves rap, I’ve never once thought it was acceptable? It’s no different than singing along to an explicit song if you’ve got kids around watching you. You don’t say the bad words.

I used to be careless with it and just sing/rap it when listening to music. I wouldn’t have used the word in any other context but hadn’t considered it was also not appropriate in that context. Maybe because I wasn’t doing it in front of anyone (usually alone in my car). It took seeing someone get called on it several

100%. It’s not an issue of can or can’t, it’s an issue of do or don’t. I don’t think anyone is concerned with receiving permission to sing along to songs.

Yes, because they’re fucking idiots.

Black shows are cheaper to produce. So when you are starting out your network, you produce a bunch of Black shows, build an audience. Once the foundation is set, you upgrade to a White Teen centered show, and shift your focus to White people. After the Teen show is solid, you move to a Family type show, before

They can and should recast him. It’s a show about a speedster superhero who gives up a chase if a villain turns a corner in a building, I’m pretty sure we can suspend our disbelief.

White Americans can’t imagine not having the police force as it is, because they are the Amy Coopers who don’t think of themselves as racist but are also terrified of PoC and poor people and will weaponize the police against anyone they fear even in moments where they don’t feel truly threatened. Going from that

Yeah like...the call to abolish policing isn’t disingenuous in the least. It’s not a metaphor. It’s a concrete demand to dismantle an inherently oppressive white supremacist institution. Demilitarize, defund, and abolish, not reform, retrain, and tinker around the edges for the preservation of liberal niceties. And

Yes, it was very good. And, for that matter, so was Ender’s Game.

A hard lesson that I’m still learning is you don’t have to engage with the bullshit every minute. It’s ok to step back and take care of yourself. All the horror going on around us is exhausting, depressing, maddening. But we’re not all responsible all the time for fixing all the bad things. Take time to enjoy the good

What’s happening right now is not about public safety. If anyone was interested in safety, you wouldn’t send police in full fucking riot gear out to deal with protesters who are protesting police abuse and violence. That is a deliberate provocation. And the police asserting their authority to act with impunity and

Here’s the thing about Reese Witherspoon’s tweets. On the surface, they’re fine. Great, even. But simply saying “Vote.” means nothing. It’s a very fence sitting position of privilege. She’s had her kids, so her womb isn’t at stake. She’s got her education, so Title IX doesn’t matter to her personally until her kids

Also, don’t forget about how much of a fire hazard that is. Most tear gas canister setups like that can easily have an initial burn of over 400 C, which is why those things can be so incredibly dangerous when fired into a poorly ventilated area, let alone one with a lot of kindling. If police were just firing tear

Now playing

Look, there are a few ways that this can go other than the police unilaterally de-escalating. All of those options are catastrophic. One, the protesters can unilaterally de-escalate. In that case, sure, there’s the pretense of peace. But it’s a peace at the end of a gun barrel, which is not real peace, and will not be

Mr. are a patriot and a decent human being. You’re what really makes this country great.

Me neither. Mr. Miranda is by all accounts a lovely and talented performer but rapping about history just does not appeal at all.