
I actually do think it crosses over into “so good it’s bad” at points, but she is right in that any attempt to actually solve this movie or apply any rational thought to it will ultimately frustrate you. You just have to get in the headspace that this film wasn’t made in the conventional sense, but rather came

He didn’t say Tony got murdered in the diner, though. He originally had an idea for an ending that would have showed Tony murdered on the way to a meeting in NY. They ultimately did NOT go through with that ending, though, specifically because he wanted it to be ambiguous.

Is his given name “Harry” or is that short for “Harold” or “Harris” or something? I always assumed it was a nickname, but I only saw the first film and after that it became too big of a thing to ask questions like that about.

I don’t believe GOT ever used intimacy coordinators. After I believe the second season of The Deuce, HBO said that all shows going forward were going to use IC’s, but I don’t know that applied to an existing series that was about to wrap up like this one.

Yeah, though it is odd that Marvel gets singled out for this so much. I imagine it’s partially because it’s such a huge cultural behemoth, but wait until someone finally explains to a Zoomer what Top Gun was.

People have been acting like James Mattis personally writes every Marvel script under a pseudonym when the truth is far less problematic.

Gonna have to hear from Issa’s former neighbor from her old apartment (the one they gave that old bouch to) before we end the series. I would like his opinion on the name of Issa’s organization, or at least the spelling of it. Would she be open to calling it The BLOKK instead?

Do you think he’ll bring Charlie Murphy on to tell the Prince story again?

I remember thinking she seemed cool back in 2012 when she got elected to the House and then was confused when everyone was so down on her running for Senate, before learning that she basically walked back every previous stance she once held.

She’s Tom from Succession in quirky glasses. Absolutely zero beliefs or principles.

I remember when that happened, my 12th grade American Government teacher (incorrectly) predicted that this was going to permanently alter our lives, like we would wake up and before heading out, we would all hear “TODAY IS A THREAT LEVEL ORANGE DAY.” As opposed to a thing that most people had forgotten about a few

We were so hard up for 9/11 to be Pearl Harbor pt 2 and for the War on Terror to be our WWII/Greatest Generation defining moment so it could undo the last few decades and give us Something We Could All Believe In.

Never, their jingoism included well-choreographed dancing by their soldiers. Sadly, America hasn’t let our soldiers bust any fresh moves since WWII.

It was wild being in college then and hearing people say that Iraq did 9/11. I wasn’t even at a conservative school, just a public university in a large-ish Midwestern city. But come late 2002, almost nobody was even talking about Afghanistan, it was all ramping up for Iraq. Outside of Pat Tillman being killed,

The Aughts were the most deranged decade and it isn’t even close. There are so many bonkers things I will just remember out of nowhere.

The live action Disney remakes they’ve been putting out the last few years should really take a page from this movie. Nobody needs a complete remake of a classic animated film with some more contemporary references thrown in. But taking these stories and filtering them through a more “adult” story (not in the sense of

It’s Greek AND there’s a character with a large beard but said character isn’t voiced by Jason Mantzoukas? Real missed opportunity.

Yeah, I got what Kaling was saying. She’s just saying that romcoms operate within their own logic and rules that aren’t like you would see in the real world, even though most of these films ostensibly take place in our world.

NATM unironically does that part of it better than She’s All That and it isn’t even close.

What are some songs that haven’t had this treatment yet that could (maybe) work?