
I imagine your tone comes after responding to so many other replies, but perhaps you misunderstood my comment.

I noted that there is a simple method for interfacing with the Echo, which would really not even require my phone, but rather my Amazon log in, and then put to some further nefarious use. I’m not trying to be

Was that the one before or after the multi-decades long “cold” war between the two countries? Can’t manage to imagine relations between any countries in that war changing from then. Which is why we’re still enemies with Japan and Germany.

Uh, my phone can “drop in” to my echo too, so its also an undenyable phone call or snooping device. I really do enjoy the feature, but I am very aware that other, smarter people could probably use this for nefarious means.

Soooooo... uh... wow. The first Gizmodo article that directly applies to my job. Theres like a ton of background that makes this even weirder, like the fact that the author of the bill consistently opposes laws that restrict persons from sitting or lying in front of businesses during business hours (meaning he

The first one is available, but those other two would probably take a shit ton of personal input and IFTTT-type preparation.

To find your phone, you don’t need TrackR or any special app. If you download the Alexa app on your phone, say “Alexa, call <yournamehere>“ and she’ll do the rest.

Literally a “killer app” type feature, and no special other apps needed. Also with the “drop in” feature (which, honestly is mayyyyyyyyyyybe a bit to

Are your feelings hurt by their choice? Do you now question your existence because a blog with a “progressive ideology” doesn’t agree with you? Do you need everyone everywhere on the internet to line up and pat you on the back for having an opinion?

I ask these things, but really, I don’t care.

I’d love to spend the money I’m saving on packing salads in mason jars and other essential life hacks, but on advice from my life guru, I’ve cut out all non-essentials, like websites that have a pay wall to news thats more listicle than news.

Anyway, just wanted to share this amazing definitely-related Hack, http://life

And Reagan requested Iran hold off on releasing hostages for political gain. And here you are supporting a guy because he has an R after his name. A guy who stated that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and he wouldn’t lose support. I mean... do you read what you write before you hit publish?

I mean, last year Lebron was acting like swatting the ball from a player six inches shorter than him, at the hoop, was somehow a badass maneuver (not even getting into how injured-Curry’s hobble to the hoop was weak), and talked trash, so I’m sure he’s all butt-hurt that Curry fake-pooped on the floor.

Would this work with my Fire Stick? Could I tell Alexa to play Milo & Otis to settle the midget tyrant?

This is why I read the comments. I regret I have but one star to give.

In rebuttal: So Lebron being the Eastern Conference Champion for seven years straight is “competitive”?

Sure, the Warriors have possibly the best team ever on paper (and currently in practice) but any other teams long-standing dominance (Spurs for the past 20, Celtics/Lakers/Bulls-eras) is totally cool?

Right, because in a team sport, all that matters is individual ability, not team chemistry and their ability to work together.

That argument meets a healthy “Celtics won eight straight” rebuttal. Sure the league only had 8 teams, but you’re clearly avoiding context.

Eminem also had his song with his daughter singing about how her dad’s gone crazy. Surprised that one didn’t make the cut.

Alexa reads my morning news reports while I make bacon, plays music while I do dishes and clean, makes a fairly simple shopping list as I grumble about dinner, and keeps a timer on for those dishes I really don’t want to burn. I wouldn’t say its magical or radically revolutionary, it just does what I used to need six

Ok, assuming I’ve agreed to jet wash instead of scrub, I now have a wet backside. How does one dry off that area sans paper product? I’m assuming the “savings” you’re pushing for would include public accomodation, or at the least office/work space areas, and I’m not bringing a towel with me everywhere (interstellar

Do you think that David Lee should also be penalized for having his foot off the court but in the path of one Kawhi Leonard? Because I saw that big oaf just sit there and let the Spurs best player roll his ankle. Or what about the vaunted “Pop” who decided that even tho his star specifically requested to be taken

Which one is Jason Isaacs?