
Late reply, but that 10k to 14k GVRW tells me that (like in the past) there will probably be the 3/4 ton frame, suspension, axles, hubs, LT rated tires and wheels under the suburban body. That’s a lot of weight capacity, of the kind that government spec up-armoring requires. (For comparison: my 2005 Dodge 3/4 ton 2wd

It’s bound to break down anyway - I mean, around 2000, I drove a 1964 VW double cab from Lubbock, TX to L.A. and then back to the east coast, I’m familiar - but if you're spending your own money and know better, why shoot yourself in one foot before you've started driving back?

If you’re planning on driving a car back across the county, why would you ever buy a car that not only wouldn’t idle, but needed to be towed away? Not getting a long test drive in and a thorough inspection *before purchase* is Rookie Mistake #1. I expect non-car people to do this kind of thing. What were you thinking?

I'm happy our Vice President knows what a CTS-V is. That's a good thing.

Unless you’ve inspected their cars at auction, there’s no way to know for sure. Township marked cars varied widely when I was buying cars at auction for clients. Some dealerships like Shaheen ran comprehensive refurb/recon programs that remanufactured 9C1 Caprices back then; if one of those made it to auction you

Those cars were leased. If they had been sold, GM would have been responsible under federal law for providing repair parts for 8 years minimum, and considering they lost around $100,000 on each EV1 they made, not wanting to continue to bleed is understandable. The EV1 was no prototype, it was fully equipped with all

Fair enough. Having lived there, you might (or might not) be amazed at the number of clueless rich republicans who would say that with a straight face and mean it. It does tend to throw off the ‘ol sarcasm meter...

That depends on the agency that owns the car. The NJSP maintained their cars religiously, both mechanically and cosmetically - they often needed nothing when I bought them at auction in Trenton when they were 4-ish years old, with about 140-160k on them. OTOH, philly PD and NYPD marked cars at auction were usually

The GM EV-1 did 0.19 back in 1996, and they made about 1,100 of those.

Just think, in a few years they might equal the 0.19 cd that GM got on the EV-1, 20 years ago!


Yup. Westfield and Clifton cops write lots of tickets for stupid, trivial stuff like having marker lights out, and if you do or say anything that irritates them you'll often get every ticket they can write you, like this driver did. Traffic court days are full of drivers who got bullshit tickets; it's a big revenue

It'll be a massive slap fight between this dude and Tesla. Let the bitching begin!

That’s a neat truck. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole myself, but there's probably someone out there with more money than sense who would love to find out about period British electrics the hard way.

5 grand for 190k and 2wd in a car that was dead boring when it was new, 20 years ago?

And by the way, I commented on a two year old story because your site brought it up automatically last night while I was reading another article - I didn’t go looking for something to troll you with. If I didn’t care about Jalopnik and want to see more interesting things covered well, I wouldn't spend so much time

I said that castoff-comment because I’m often frustrated with your site’s clickbait headlines in general, and equally because I was interested in what kind of comment it would get from you.

So, how's that clickbait headline working out for you guys?

They're cheap for a reason...

You don’t get keyless entry standard for $43,000?