
Lord... Seriously. Thinking back on some of the shit I said in my 20's... I deserve a punch to the face for some of that shit.

Lets be clear here:

Well, with all due respect, you really fucked this story up, James. No mention of the alt-right monster who dredged these up as supposed “proof” of a nefarious pedophile conspiracy theory in Hollywood? How this is an ideologically-motivated hit job orchestrated by someone who operates entirely in the realm of

For the rest of the century, conservatives have their playbook and it’s fucking Gamergate.

This show has consistently been so much better than it has any right to be. Clearly took a page out of the AoS book of minimalist superpower VFX - everything they’ve done so far is super simple, but effective as hell. Unlike most of the other MCU shows out there (aside from Agent Carter and a couple of isolated

Being paid to run around going “RAAWWRR” is my new dream job.

Opening scene: Interior, Zephyr one, Day.

...and Thor being eternally unaware of his hotness...

All I can figure is Asgard, like Scandinavia, does not actually contain raccoons... >D

i gasped when drax got cubed up. thought that was it for him.

You speak Groot?

I think that maneuver would have only worked once or twice before the Zerg started back up with the “Attack the other side” business.

I wish we had seen the avengers react to Rocket appearing. Loved the “I am Groot/ I Am Steve Rogers” exchange.

That’s kind of in character for Strange though, at least given the character they portrayed in his solo film. He’s very calculating and someone who never ever gives up or accepts failure at any cost. Cool as a cucumberbatch indeed

One of my favorite exchanges in the movie:

Red Skull was the biggest surprise in that movie for me.


the true villian of IW: peter quill...

Post-BvS, this maneuver (murdering a character beloved by fans for meta reasons) is known as Punching Jimmy Olsen’s Ticket, or Going Full Snyder.

What makes this more “fan fiction” than Rogue One?