
Except that GotG is literally a world away from all the other establishing works. Groot is a tree because he’s an alien life form even to aliens. Not much to worry about there- I have to suspend my disbelief more to accept the amount of alien species almost identical to humans than I do to accept Groot. Squirrel Girl

Thea would put up the closest fight on the drinking contest though, earning her respect.

Man, for a second there, I thought it was Jessica Jones herself that was going to be on Arrow. That would be awesome — she would show up, kick Oliver’s ass, and drink everyone under the table.

God I love that episode. Especially the Farscape pastiche.

Man, that bar fight in JJ where he gets bottled to the head from behind, and just sighs and looks annoyed? Magic.

That’s street-level heroics for you. Then you’ve got your A-listers, who hit each other very hard while flying through the air, and then Cosmic heroes who hit each other very hard in space.

I am so very excited and have been jonesing (ahem) for some new Marvel Netflix. There’s way more Claire in that trailer than I was expecting, so extra bonus.

what’s his weakness?

He can be drowned and gassed.

In other words, a nurse.

Looks fun! Also is Rosario Dawson getting a bigger role for this show? Yey!

Damn it.. I just escaped from TVTropes! :p

In Sweden it’s basically nothing that gets dubbed. Maybe except children versions. Tha’ts the way it should be.

Do people in other countries discuss American TV the same way that we discuss anime? (As in, “Don’t watch it dubbed! The Dub is shit. Either watch it subbed or learn English.”)

Cancelled does not = failed.

I guarantee you that I’m not.

From all indications they are sentient, and have no rights. Some people treat their droids well, but they still own them. Star Wars would be a terrible fictional universe to live in.