
"It's slightly more accurate than you'd think. She's not a feminist. She's a media sensationalist. When was the last time she reported on anything GOOD in gaming? Never. She's focused SOLELY on the bad. Or what she TELLS us is bad. Did she do a report on the annual running of the Gnomes in WoW? Did she report on all

You know, I never got this description. Didn't Team Fortress 2 basically look like Team Fortress if it was made by Pixar?

I will try to use Tracer, fail horribly, and keep using her because she's super adorable and I can't stand it.

Skyrim, Uncharted, The Last of Us, inFamous, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Dark Souls, and dozens of other single player or primarily single player franchises would like a word with you.

Eh, given that this is the only first-person game Blizzard's ever made, I think they're allowed one.

If you study storytelling, you realize that none of these are flaws. Introducing you to a character that already has a life? Yeah, that's what almost all stories do. There are some people that claim that the player should always be the new person (and that there should always be a new person), but that is hack advice

So... let me get this straight. Saying men are "naturally" violent and more prone to destructive behavior than women demonizes men less than saying men are violent in our society because our culture teaches them masculinity means being aggressive and emotionally repressed?

If you don't think actual gamers consider their media of choice art you're only deluding yourself. I guarantee you it wasn't some disinterested third party arguing with Roger Ebert on whether games were art.

Gamers: "We want games to be considered Art!"

"Cherry pick data"? If you're referring to Sarkeesian's videos, that's...not what's going on. Like, at all. Unless, of course, you want to argue that a huge chunk of academic cultural and media criticism is "cherry picking data".

And everyone has a political agenda. Choosing not to talk about this stuff is political;

You're literally commenting on an article about how women are still being chased from their homes by gaters today. And you're pretending that's in the past? That the "movement" has "evolved"?

Well she said ""I was literally watching 8chan go after me in their specific chatroom for Gamergate," she told Kotaku today. "They posted my address, and within moments I got that death threat." - so.. That pretty much answers why she thinks it's related.

Fuck gaters.

Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary

What a sad situation. I feel about being a gamer the same way I feel about being an American, incredibly proud and equally ashamed.

What are you on about? You know Medieval mode is a thing that exists in Team Fortress 2, right? In which they take away everyone's guns and you fight with melee weapons, crossbows and longbows?

To write for children, write as you would for adults, only better.