
I feel there’s a case that he’s one of the biggest draft busts in history. Even though he was a second rounder, not a first, all Star kickers are routinely undrafted. To trade up to the second round on a a kicker who isn’t even serviceable is pretty amazing.

Can we just give Trump the login to the official Bears Twitter account? Admittedly, I havent been following the preseason closely (because I respect myself), but it seems like things have been going “Classic Bears”y lately. Might as well just have the Donald break the news of each injury/release and follow it up with

All the little chicks with their crimson lips
Say “Cleveland drops Cleveland’s Brock!”

Team officials say they were inspired by the Jets’ abandonment of their football experiment.

We’re not talking “you pop a squat and blood gushes out, as if your ass were a faucet, oh holy god there’s so much blood” but rather “huh, that shit looks darker than usual” if the bleed is from a ways up the tract, or “huh, there’s a red streak of blood on that shit, that’s ... not usual”.

This is the obvious take, and I’m sorry that you had to make it. As a man with functioning sweat glands, Autumn is wonderful.

Fall is the best.

You don’t need to shit in Albert’s coffee anymore. Fall is here, so it’s likely Pumpkin Spice flavored. The job is done already.

“Excuse me.”

This was an entertaining, informative, and enjoyable piece. Thank you.

Am I reading this right, insofar as they are so eager to be seen to be doing the right/proactive thing on domestic violence that they are overruling their own investigators, even when they recommend no action?

Back when he was still with the Eagles (maybe 08 or 09), I ran into Andy Reid at Home Depot once. He was incredibly nice. It was in early September and the Eagles were getting ready to start the season. There is a Home Depot in South Philly. About 2 miles from the Linc. He is pretty easy to spot. So I went over

Oh so it uses the fantasy that electric cars get energy for free and don’t have to pay any taxes for roads or motoring in general. Most cars are astoundingly cheap once you cut out the energy and tax bills.

Being a paragon of virtue is overrated.

It makes me happy that they are unhappy. I don’t care if that makes me a shitty person.

At this point, I don’t know why opposing teams don’t just plan throwback jersey games every time the Sox are in town. Based on past history, that’s a good way to avoid a Sale start.

any ace who goes over to New York or Boston just looks like a fucking soulless merc.

Hourly wage? Career *limiting*?

Yep, gotta love the “bro truck” driver. They are the epitome of the society as shown in Idiocracy. No brains, knuckle dragging neanderthals compensating for a serious lack below the belt.

It’s more of an inverse relationship between dick size and truck height.