What grade level do you read at? Why do people keep talking about the latest episode? It’s a spoiler for the next episode, in a headline, dummy. That’s beyond the realm of what one should expect scrolling through a pop culture news website.
What grade level do you read at? Why do people keep talking about the latest episode? It’s a spoiler for the next episode, in a headline, dummy. That’s beyond the realm of what one should expect scrolling through a pop culture news website.
Gas mileage, safety ratings, resale value of everything except the Wrangler, jerky transmissions, poorly coded ECUs, terrible lease rates, low quality rotors that warp quickly, ABS failures, leaky transfer cases, wiring with insufficient heat protection, common HVAC failures including poor circulation and melted…
Why Jeep is so popular still blows my mind. They’re not very good vehicles.
What? No, that’s a terrible argument. It’s a headline for an episode that hasn’t aired yet. It doesn’t matter if it’s predictable or not. It’s a fundamental principle of watching TV.
The site posted a spoiler for an unaired episode in a headline. How about not commenting on something you don’t know about?
Yes let’s do away with preseason and then let’s all complain week 2 when the product on the field is absolute shit. Preseason is the perfect time to work on the simple things so that the fans aren’t having to sit through countless false starts and holding calls. The NFLPA has already made the practices pretty limited…
I don’t blame them at all. But I also don’t give them any credit.
I’d love to simply say how it’s a nice change of pace that an NFL team is doing the right thing...
If only he’d played a more valuable position, like kicker.
Also a woman, which is still pretty groundbreaking in 2017. I mean she’s not the first, but pretty damn high on the list.
She has a major advantage of not having a sexuality that would be attracted to those she’d have authority over, thereby avoiding the “never alone with a closed door” problem (which is apparently a big problem when trying to get men to mentor women, as well). I’d imagine that she might get more pushback in womens’…
The only thing she’s ever blown is a 28-3 lead.
stunk up the entire hotel with marijuana smoke.
How this man isn’t our current Treasury Secretary is one of life’s enduring mysteries. We’d have been in good hands with him and Fed Chairman Jim Cramer.
Being against white supremacists is an “extreme left wing ideology”? I suppose in Trump’s America that might be true...
Which is ironic in its way, because this decision is as apolitical as decisions get. ESPN is not liberal, and it’s not conservative; it’s a massive company with no political beliefs beyond damage control. Someone had the idea of switching Lee off the UVa game not because they thought it would be offensive, but…
He’s so Dunn.
The network that thought it was cool to air a draft that looked shockingly similar to a slave auction removes a broadcaster nobody’s heard of because of his similar name. This is much the same as curing a headache by breaking a finger—it completely misses the point and does nothing to address the original issue.
Today we learned that Danny Ainge, can only edge for so long.
Someone is in real danger of having his grit revoked.