
It seems like there is at least reasoned debate over whether or not killing Harambe was the zoo’s only option at that point. There is no debate that the bitch who let her kid climb into the enclosure is ultimately responsible for Harambe’s death, and to my understanding has not faced a single criminal or civil charge

Wait, so Butler decided it was his business to tattle on Valencia to a shoe company rep? It wasn’t even a dispute over something that might actually matter to the team?

Exactly. Get outraged over a car using an empty bike lane if you want, but saying that lives were endangered is absurd. There was clear visibility and no bike traffic.

Personally, I think the issue isn’t whether or not to allow professional athletes. It’s that the Olympics should be limited to sports where the Olympics are the major championship. No reason to have basketball or golf or baseball in the Olympics.

I say this every time. My personal best in the mile was 5:01. A 5:01 pace for the marathon is elite, but won't even get you close to a medal.

Have these Olympics been the most bizarre as far as disqualifications, reinstatements, and general weirdness (the 4x100 relay team’s do-over) in track, or is it usually like this and I wasn’t paying attention before?

I understand that side of the argument. The flip side is that football announcers do quite a bit of prep during the week for whichever game they’re doing on Sunday, and having any broadcast team do two games a week is going to result in a drop in quality. So in the end I would argue that if they want Thursday night

Yeah, the NFL actually wanting broadcasters to do two games a week is not just idiotic, it’s horrible for quality. But this is the same league that allowed games to be decided by incompetent replacement refs because they were too cheap to concede like 0.001% of their profits, that still hasn't bothered to come up with

That explanation is horseshit. You can’t tell me that the NFL’s decision was based on anything other than money and what network would pay the most.

The Standard American Diet allows for 2000 calories, and 300g of carbs, which is why Americans are obese

I'm not sure, but I think the 9th lane is only on the home straightaway, meaning that only the 100/110m races can use it. I am still confused about its purpose as even those races have been running 8 at a time (using lanes 2-9, as you stated).

The only reason I don't wish the dog had torn this piece of shit apart is that then the dog would be euthanized. I do hope Zamora suffers the worst possible injury on the field though.

Then her friend is a shitty person. There is no such thing as a random dog attack; there may have been no logical reason for your girlfriend to be attacked but rest assured there was something in the dog’s behavior that her friend should've picked up on.

Why not both?

Somebody reported on NBC last night that Lochte was scheduled to leave when he did all along...who knows if that's true though.

Ironically, Adam Eaton is one of a handful of players on the 2016 White Sox who do not blow.

Eh, their team traded for domestic abuser and gun-firing maniac Aroldis Chapman. By comparison a baseball doesn’t seem scary.

the Olympics cannot stop its quest to define one gender, definitively, in the name of protecting that gender

If you sent the entire US 2016 Olympic team back in time 50 years, they would technically not win a single medal. There were no Olympics in 1966.

frankly, if none of the local laws are being violated, it’s the viewer’s own issue if they don’t like what they see when they pull into their neighborhood.