
Hey, you stole that from Reddit!

I completely agree. I loved that show and the journey it took (minus the whole wheel-spinning third season) but the ending was such cop out trash it completely negated all the fun and mystery that came before it.

You’re worried that if Goldbergs kill of the dad then it may no longer be historically accurate?

I am sure that the shirt was not designed and sold targeting the niche market of passionate same-sex marriage advocates who are also openly racist.

It’s a comment that is supposed to be pointing out that there are plenty of types of bigotry in the world. The T-shirt was showing that homophobia was as stupid as racism. And the people who made the latest Star Wars movies were trying to make a movie that they could sell to a world market, not just an American one,

Over 15 years ago I saw a t-shirt that said “I support gay marriage as long as they’re the same race.” I did not buy it. I regret it every day.

The Star Wars/Disney people definitely seemed to play it safe will all the potential romances in the movie, but people kind of forget how much resistance there still is to

It’d be like someone who’s first in a race tweeting mid-race, “I just really want to lap these other people before the race is over.”

You’re not wrong. A draw was a beneficial outcome for Karjakin, and if all he’d done was get a hard fought draw, shake hands and walk away, I don’t think anyone would have gotten too worked up (although, it is the internet, so that is probably naivety on my part). But he came out the gate playing for a very defensive

“I want to reach a personal achievement for myself” <> “I want to stop someone else from reaching their goals.”

Gotta end on the cliff hanger to set up the sequel.

I went to see Bleachers and Charli XCX together several years ago. She was promoting the album Sucker on that tour and closed the show/went last.

Could be worse. Could be a Peacock exclusive. 

Shouldn’t the actual process be getting something in writing from the cops/DA granting you immunity in exchange for honest testimony? As opposed to what happened here where one DA gave a press conference and said “we aren’t going to charge him” and somehow that became a legally binding protection?

Every race/faction in the game are genocidal racial-purists. The T’au (complete with unnecessary fantasy apostrophe, probably to make it copyright-able) are actually some of the more compassionate because they don’t want to outright eradicate the other races. They’re very happy to enslave/exploit them (for the time

To add to what @Rayce Archer said, I think it was in Gathering Storm when Guilliman came back and saw what had become of the Imperium and how it was completely opposite of what the Emperor had intended and what the Primarchs had worked to build he was immediately full of despair and thought it wasn’t even worth

I feel like critics just get tired of watching so many movies that they’ll give extra credit to something that is “experimental” or just well outside the norms and hype it up.

Ghostbusters apparently. Though I disagree. The comments section on this one was a legendary example of what used to be called a “flame war.”

Considering that the measure of a movie being “good” or “bad” is basically “do you enjoy it or not?” then you’re entitled to your opinion that it is bad, but that doesn’t in any meaningful way counter Kahlessj’s opinion that it is good.

I don’t know of any direct incidents of him inciting violence, but it seems like his crowds are easily incitable.
They tried to break into an arena in Tulsa when he canceled a show there on short notice. Not sure what they were hoping to do when they got inside? Maybe they really wanted tour shirts?

I mean, I’m only about 2 weeks into the game, so the tricycle is the only one I’ve come across already.