I came to the comments expecting a massive shit show, but it looks like I'm early. I'll check again in the afternoon.
I came to the comments expecting a massive shit show, but it looks like I'm early. I'll check again in the afternoon.
I believe that's called "Dignity"
C'mon, not a single sativa?
If his God or aliens or whatnot tell him to act in a way to help save lives, I wouldn't diss it. I'm a disgruntled agnostic myself, but if his faith leads him to do good things, then I'm all for it. Organized religion has been known to cause some problems, but it also has been known to do some good.
You posted a mean comment about a guy who saved people who were going to burn to death. Think about that shit for a moment. I mean, well done. Your soul actually hit rock bottom in an internet comment section. That, no one's friend, is quite a feat.
You and everyone who starred your comment are human garbage.
Fair enough.
Certainly a hero, your father. Just being there for people until authorities/medics arrive, talking to them and comforting them, could be all they need to keep conscience and keep calm enough to make it until the medics see them through.
I have lived with Bipolar Disorder (Technically Bipolar II) my entire life. Up until the age of 35 I "enjoyed" more manic periods of time rather than depressive episodes. I say "enjoyed" because I never had full blown mania, just periods of insomnia and intense creativity and restlessness. I would take that any day…
We're aren't privy to the security video within the elevator of the incident. Those who are changed this from an assault with equal participation to third degree aggravated assault. I think that tells us everything we need to know. Conversation over.
Ur the bad-ass looking to knock people out. You do realize there is an enormous level of escalation from someone hitting someone to someone getting knocked out?
nah, not worth it.
I'm here to give you the attention you desperately crave.
You should read up on what happened to the cities in Europe during the Black Plague. When half a city's population dies overnight, the structure of society completely breaks down, and the weight of the sudden loss of those people who baked the bread, threshed the wheat, drove the carriages, policed the streets, etc, …
Shut the fuck up Shruggalo.
I'm so glad this post popped up. I've been thinking about this for quite a while now.
No need to apologize, you were demonstrably wrong. You're still wrong as you attempt to highlight the magnificent discoveries made and the inventions designed to make our world a safer and better place to live. Those wonderful scientists, designers and builders don't exist on an island, they are heavily subsidized by…
This whole world is competitive. You have to compete for love, a job, personal space, and many other things.
If you didn't finish the article, how can you be sure your points aren't addressed? Why even comment at all if you didn't get through the whole thing?
Most of the world runs because of a small fraction of people who make things and keep things running. The rest of us are reaping the benefits of their ingenuity and labour.