
If people with money and influence actually used those things to improve the public system, their kids could have a great education and people like you could too. I grew up in an immigrant family but had the good fortune to have emigrated to a "socialist" country that believed in such crazy things, and managed to

So... what was the school? I went to such a school in Canada, but I found it more convenient to have an address in the right city...

No, believing anything you read, no matter how stupid, puts you on a level with fox and its audience. For those of us who have an inkling about the ways science works, and about how the notion of science has been abused through the ages, there's no problem in discounting the just-so stories of evolutionary psychology.

I'm so sorry. You know, I cannot count the times I've thought, "I'd can't believe someone so offensively vapid can just get pregnant, carry (mostly) to term, deliver, all of it, and so many wonderful women I know and don't know cannot."

I love Orlan! Super smart, freaky lady. Anyone here got links to the images? It would be interesting to compare. And any other performance art lovers?

Hah! Fellow Canadian here, and former card-carrying member of the Monarchical society. But I'm kind of anti-monarchy now. Maybe it's too much time spent in the US, but I bristle now at the idea that people who have done nothing special or worthwhile should get attention or goodies in life. The Queen at least has

You're so right. I was just thinking her lining has at least gotten better, but it should go.

You're right! The sad, puppy-dog eyes. But Wills inherited those too.

I call bullshit on breast feeding helping you to lose weight. Biggest lie ever. Sure, it's true sometimes, but in a lot of cases it's not. I came from delivery weighing less than when I'd gotten pregnant. Never had those crazy cravings during pregnancy. Then came breast feeding, hunger like I've never known in my

Given that the rise of photoshopping hasn't exactly led to there being *less* pressure on models to be thin — in fact, if you compare with the 80's, it's gotten worse — I'm not sure that would follow.

Sounds pretty ridiculous to me too. Germany is half Catholic, and yet it's a royal pain to get tampons with applicators. Sounds like folk history.

I'm the same. Living in Germany now, where most tampons come without applicators. I just can't get them into the right spot, and it's often quite painful. I basically have a mental map in my head of drugstores in the city that stock tampons with applicators, and make sure always to have a good supply of them.

You realise poor people used to walk around without shoes, right? Like, poverty actually meant not having enough clothes to wear?

I agree with everything you say, more than 1000%, or a million percent, and I am also planning on writing a book about the insidiousness of ideology about motherhood, and how it makes everyone so damn guilty and miserable. I don't feel guilty for working, and I don't feel guilty for having help with childrearing from

I've read this whole thread, and you sound a bit deranged. You've descended to trolling at this point — maybe take a breather from telling strangers they're liars? You know less about the posters on here than any of us do about Brangelina and co.

The times I cat-sat the cats regularly gave me kitty "kisses" on the lips, often directly after carefully and lovingly licking their own butts. It's made me not care so much about counters.

I am confused. Is this post — the content of which I have no problem with — written this way because it is aimed at idiots? Is the idea that people who are worried about genetically-modified food are so moronic that they can only understand prose written like this? Or has Jezebel decided its readership is too old and

see, my father did this the easy way — put a hole in the condom, because he knew my mom didn't want to get pregnant. And he wonders why I think he's an asshole. As he sees it, he's the bastion of family values and I owe him my life. But, according to him, my mom didn't love me enough, so I try to win her approval, etc

I'm in the middle of Sandberg's book, enjoying it and all that, and was thinking of writing her personally. (Or her secretary, I suppose.) My sentiments would have been just about the same as yours.

Haa... for me it depends a bit on how good the speaker's command of whatever dialect they've got is. A speaker with a strong German accent who is trying for North American English? I can deal with it. A close-to-convincing Brit accent? That too. But the combination of super strong German accent and British