Doesn't Queen Latifah have a show too? It's like television is vomiting daytime talk shows.
Doesn't Queen Latifah have a show too? It's like television is vomiting daytime talk shows.
a "very nice, very funny" guy
Miley does know that the job of P!nk is already being admirably performed by P!nk, right?
I just assumed it was Tyra's desiccated corpse.
What's to explain? Her point was pretty clearly and simply that while she disagrees that Tyra's actions amount to "whiteface," or that "whiteface" is even a thing, Tyra is so annoyingly self-obsessed that one is loathe to ever take her side in anything.
You missed the point of my pulling that quote by about a mile and a half.
I already live with something that can read my facial expressions and body language: my husband. I don't need my cat to be able to do the same thing.
Down with cupcakes. Lets bring back cake! No, not that shaped fondant (gag) covered stuff! I mean cake, made with ingredients and maybe covered with some sugary stuff. Cupcakes are like a round corner piece. They are not big enough to have a nice crumb 75% of the time IMO.
Definitely keep it in mind. Your writing is the reason this vegetarian religiously reads every single foodspin, when I can't eat most of the things you make. I even made the sausage and peppers for a friend and he loved it. As a single person who doesn't like to cook for herself, I will eventually be making more of…
It's a little bit of fan-worship, I think. Off-putting to a degree, but harmless. Until you start getting little Burneko dolls in the mail.
Whatever dude. It's like you think you're a lawyer or something.
I understand your point, but that sentence also describes what a rape is; sex with someone incapable of consent.
Yes, this pedantic, and yes, you otherwise call it rape again and again. But I still think you need to change this sentence: "The woman was reportedly unconscious while Vandenburg had sex with her." He didn't "have sex" with her. He raped her. Stick an "allegedly" in there if you must. But call it what it actually was.
I try to take Buzzfeed seriously as a news organization whenever they put on their Serious Journalism Hat, but on the other hand, this.
Yusmeiro Petit, of whom you've never heard, ensured his continued obscurity by missing out on a perfect game when…
Hence, my use of "blowhard" in my post.
Peter King will use "Brett Favre": "I’m not going to sit here and try to preach about it and tell you if you like the name you’re wrong or if you hate the name you’re wrong. I can just tell you how I feel."
He calls that a "death stare?" Now THIS is a death stare:
Looks familiar....