
Who knew the Muppets were golf fans?

Can somebody please buy Howard Stern a calendar from this century and remind him we've moved on? He's the Andrew Dice Clay of radio... shouldn't be seen or heard from outside the confines of a smoke-filled Indian casino.

I love both sides of him (Fartman and amazing interviewer) but he should have made a more graceful transition out of the shock jock stuff as he got older. He could be doing something like Piers Morgan or Larry King (only 10x better) with a few tweaks.

He was good back in the day and before the jump. Now he's just mostly irrelevant.

I have satellite radio in my car, I just think his shock-jock act is tired and lazy.

I never did understand his appeal nor his success

Howard Stern is the worst

Cough! Cough!

Phil has said many times in the past that he plays well when Tiger is playing well. If Phil said what you say he said then it was not done gleefully. And it looks like he was right.

I think whoever does the asking should be the one who pays.

Statue fucking?

There's commenters over at Gawker speculating that she must liked it, heh heh just playing DDevil's Advocate, you know. And you're over sensitive and stupid if you object to these asshole attacking this girl. I bet they had interesting comments about the three Cleveland hostages——and Elizabeth Smart.

Some football players do good things (and most don't do bad things) but that doesn't make for very exciting news. I'm not saying there aren't problematic elements of football culture in the US, but let's also recognize that there's a question of news coverage and what we pay attention to at work here as well.

I find expat writers to be the most reliable sources on the inner workings of American football.

...because universities aren't just academic institutions. Why the hell do you think Ivy Leagues are called "Ivy Leagues?" (And if you seriously don't know why they're called Ivy League, please Google it.) It wasn't about their fucking educational prestige, it was about sports.

I really don't understand this mindset of banning college sports. That is absolutely unrealistic. I agree that certain sports stars on campus are put on a pedestal and thus think they can get away with anything, but not all sports players are like that. I also agree that there is a sexual assault/rape problem within

Are you seriously arguing that Universities should eliminate all their athletic programs on the theory that this may somehow reduce the incidence of sexual assault on American campuses?

They didn't realize until later that day that that's who they'd been speaking to. I read that they were a little off-put by how weird the situation was but didn't think much of it and later were like "oh shiiiiit" and called the cops. Still, to know, even in retrospect, that you talked to such an evil scary person is

In another article I read, the witness didn't know who he was talking to until he got home and saw them on the news.

In a different article I read, they didn't recognize him during the conversation. When they got home, they saw the news, and put two and two together.