Troop Dreams
Troop Dreams
If they make him wait much longer, the trail of the real killers is gonna grow cold.
As always, Eli gets the last laugh on the Patriots.
Man, this footage is terrible. No wonder Hernandez destroyed his surveillance system afterwards.
That is absolutely revolting. +1
The emails with the attorney are clearly work product, and would never be contained in anything filed with or kept in a courthouse. Somebody stole/hacked this from Redick or the attorney. As a lawyer, that disturbs me greatly.
Rob: Hey, Bob, you know you can use up to 140 characters.
Hmm, putting down a whole handle which then gives way to nothing but complete and utter emptiness inside. I had no idea Bob Ryan had so much in common with my dad.
After last night though, Tim Hudson probably prefers the IHOP.
Dude, I do too. It's not even her that bothers me as much how obsessed everyone is with her. It drives me crazy. I don't understand it. And the fact that people don't like Ann Hathaway in favour of her? Uch. I can't even deal.
What do you mean? I have a friend who is in the secret service, and he makes decent money. If you are talking about a private donation, how do you know he didn't? If he did make a donation and then made a big deal about it everyone here would be calling it tacky.
Aww... you can see the dressing of the little guy's central line under his shirt. Be strong, little guy.
Him and his wife did donat a large amount to the fund raiser for Patrick.
Gotta be honest, this is pretty freaking adorable.
I feel like she's that girl that says things like "I don't have girlfriends! Cause girls are so dramatic!" and "Yeah! I go to strip clubs cause it's funny and cool and I'm not a regular girl I'm a cool girl!" (she basically did say the latter)
Huge Braves fan. Watched it happen. Thought it was an Achilles injury, but the replay shows it was higher up Huddy's leg. My un-medical opinion is a broken tibia. Feel like in the replay you can see it move his pants forward when it breaks, but that is pure speculation. There is no doubt though that E.Y. Jr. felt…
Saw it. Hate it. Young was truly upset.
I met this man at the 2012 London Olympics!