Making the bachelor take the plunge into something frigid isn't a very subtle way to send a message.
Making the bachelor take the plunge into something frigid isn't a very subtle way to send a message.
"Thursday morning's announcement of Emmy Award nominations went even further in proving that television is the place to be if you're a woman: Kerry Washington got nominated for her role on Shonda Rhimes's fantastically soapy Scandal."
"When you have somebody like Terry Richardson, or any number of talented photographers, posting tasteful photography,"
Okay. Confession time—I've been known to lovingly cup my tummy when there are long lines and it's hot, I'm at the mechanic's, or any place else I think my pouchy tummy will make people go, "Awww, prebaby!" and let me cut the line or take $20 off an oil change.
That was a good decision.
This image is making its rounds around Boston, of who many people who were affected by the event would prefer to have seen on the cover.
You'll get no argument from me over the fact that Buck is possibly the worst thing of all the things ever, but why the ill will to Rivera because of it? I mean I get that you're a Sox fan, but as a baseball fan can't you just not be a Sawx fan for a minute?
...Tim McCarver is knowledgeable? You lost me there.
I believe that is Mariano Rivera talking to someone off camera.
What a coincidence, I have a Dominican carrying my favorite team too.
The Emma Roberts story is reminding me how differently we react to different types of people. And it seems to be pertinent with all the news going on right now... Young white girl bloodies and bites her boyfriend, and we simply say, hey Emma, don't do that! But then I replace Emma Roberts with Chris Brown beating…
When asked about following up, Paterno responds, "I had other things to do."
I'll be the one to say what we are all thinking: If a dying child's final wish is to meet Chris Brown, odds are we aren't losing anyone who was destined to change the world in a positive manner.
Joey's Want List:
So this is what twitter would be like if there wasn't a 140-character limit.
Thanks Mike, although "guy in the blue shirt" and "fat guy" were possibly the worst two quantifiers you could have chosen.
i don't know man, it seems that you claused some problems too.
You have Rick Ross ranked about 200 spots too high on your list.
People on Bicycles are insufferable. Yelling that they're on my left or right while I'm enjoying a walk along the lake. How about running every stop sign and red light, and then the stare of disdain when I almost Red Asphalt your dumb ass. Now I'm supposed to yield on my green arrow to turn left because Ed Begley…