
King's an alcoholic.

In the meantime, at yesterday's Breeders' Cup, Secret Compass went down during the Juvenile Fillies race and was put down on the track. Her jockey, Hall of Famer John Velazquez, is in the hospital after having surgery to remove his spleen.

I owe you a more thoughtful response but it's the weekend and I'm kind of wasted. This was Simmons last Sunday. Twat 1:

I do really want to apologize because on Sunday I got into a super-fight with Simmons defenders on Reddit. It's fine to be a super-schlub about us winning, but his, "I never doubted it!" horseshit after the Pats comeback is chum to the real fans who endured real shit and still can't believe anything we won is real.

I'm sorry Mag. You are okay, I was just super-blitzed when I replied. :( Please don't hate me.

Oh, I've been there, but you expect Yahoo to be terrible. You'd think the website of arguably the leading round-the-clock news source to be slightly more vigilant about the shit they allow in the comments, you know?

She generally makes me want to punch the nearest wall but she deserves props for doing it. More props if she'll make it a regular thing and really be the role model she's speaking of; she looks just fine without all that pancake shit on her face.

Well said.

CNN comments are the worst. I've had to shower after mistakenly wading into them in the past.

Nice victim blaming. Maybe read the article first.

The one next to CVS.

Isn't Twitter one of the ways Gawker asks users to utilize for commenting?

Holy shit. You're coming across as more arrogant than Simmons and I didn't think it was possible. Maybe gin up interest in your breakaway site without piggybacking on Deadspin?

But how did he do on the Real World/Road Rules Challenge?


Enough Deadspin, we get it. You have a superiority complex about the team changing its name.

Well, I am not really cooking-inclined, but I love your posts - you make me *want* to be a cook, which, trust me, is a big deal. Part of what you do that is such an achievement for someone like me is that you make it seem fun without taking away from the end point - the dish.

This isn't a court of law, Trick.