he literally said in the beginning that he wasn’t sure if it was going to work but the only way to find out was to do it. So he did it.
he literally said in the beginning that he wasn’t sure if it was going to work but the only way to find out was to do it. So he did it.
And Mike Brown happened while he was in office and he gave empty words. Did the same for Flint.
the difference being those people did the work on their own without prompting from the very rich corporations.
It’s not that they would go away. They would get less media coverage, like how it was when Obama was in office. Sanders has given then an opportunity to get coverage they otherwise wouldn’t. Thinking that he’s the reason why and not instead someone they decided to really around is such an obvious mistake. One that…
the ultimate flaw in your thinking is that sans bernie these critiques wouldn’t exist and that’s a mistake Democrats continue to make. Those people were critical of Obama. They’re critical of Clinton. They’re critical of the party as a whole as it is currently set up. Those complaints aren’t going to just go away…
I mean Democrats have a habit of saying “it won’t work so don’t try” and boy is that not at all an inspiring message. If you aren’t willing to fight then what is the point?
It’s not a matter of burning it down. it’s that for many people the house is already of fire.
Because he didn’t.
She refuses to stay out of the spotlight and then whines about what that comes with. Even George Bush went away. Why can’t she?
People like/love plenty of terrible things. It’s not at all unusual.
By the time this gets a real chance to compete with pokemon Nintendo will be ready to announce the next Gen
it basically did.
everyone gets boosted to 750
It’s not a desire to end the primaries. It’s the desire to have better debates that aren’t crunched for time because they have ten people on stage.
They probably never do that in the modern NBA. That cripples a team so much for such an extended period of time you guarantee they don’t make much money, stay competitive, or retain talent.
Could you imagine how long it could have been?!
It’s a weird situation because people complain that it’s boring when they win every game but also bitch when they don’t as if the best scenario would be them not being there at all.
Barnes and Walker are the only two players who weren’t in the playoffs last year.
The weirdest part of that episode is that he plays a real person who later ran for president in the real world.
plenty? It’s less than ten and a number of them are owned by the same company. Hell destiny doesn’t even let you transfer thing you pay for.