
This is an argument I keep seeing about Destiny and it baffles me to no end. There's really no room to "patch in" or "DLC" this game into being something great. It's terrible at the core with no room for improvement short of doing a full sequel or inventing a time machine to fix the wrong turn it took somewhere.

It'll probably get more content, but I doubt it'll suddenly become an MMO.

No, sorry. Consumers do not have to have the talent and financial resources to "make their own" in order to criticize the things they love. Movie critics do not have to make blockbuster movies to be able to tell you that the dialog was awful. Very few people have all the skills necessary and the thousands if not

People like Anita come off [to me] more like professional victims who want to cash-in on controversy rather than actually wanting to work towards positive change.

You know why I don't take you seriously? Women, brown and gay people deal with being specifically targeted by the media and criticized, blamed and shamed 24/7 from the time we learn how to talk until the day we die.

That's the thing though. We should. If you expect to have nice things for yourself, you should be prepared to let other people have things that are nice to them.

The Last Remnant was rough around the edges but definitely had a lot of potential with its gameplay. It really is a shame it didn't get another chance with a sequel.

Woah. CAD dropped that much in the 4ish months since launch? I mean, I guess I don't know what the original CAD price came out to in USD at launch, but if it was priced at $400 they have to have been pretty close then...

Not raiding at all is one of the best ways to enjoy a MMO. No drama, no douches, no bullshit.

Everyone NEEDS to read that Gamasutra article for an understanding of this.

It's okay, it took me a little bit, but I got it.

There haven't been very good emulators for DS

You kicked him in the groin like a boss. Well done good Sir, well done...

Pretty much this. The only review you should trust is your own and a score or anything else provided by a site should be tossed. What matters are what makes up the score (gameplay, story, sound, bugs, etc) and reading reviews, watching videos to make an informed decision.

Someone can go and say that Game X on System Y

That's Supermans outfit from the new 52.

So what is it called now when an insurance company cuts off your health care because you went over some number?

Dude, I think what he's trying to say is that investors invest money expecting to yield profit of course with the risk in mind. They want to make great product, but great product to the eyes of investor and publishers are different from what some gamers think.