
I studied abroad in Thessaloniki, Greece for six months. I knew a little Greek from my family, but was hardly fluent. I really encourage anyone who studies to not only live in a place where English is not a primary language but to take a language course in the country they're staying in. Being immersed in the culture

Should've been you, Bison Dele.

This behavior can be traced back to 1983, when Joe Delaney lost a game of Go Fish.

Houston Astros, are you ready to drown?
My team might win but we don't win the crown,
Screaming bye bye playoffs,
Unwatchable clowns,
Fans hide like hoes when we hit your town,
Catching feelings.

Following the show, AMC viewers were welcomed to stick around for Dany Heatley's biography, better known as Hell on Wheels.

Andy Reid reminds me of Willy Wonka because he stood by aloofly as a young man disappeared into a pipe full of brown sugar.

I couldn't stand it. I was sitting at work during a slow work day and saw so many people were reading the Drew Magary article so I clicked on it myself.

So I put my hands up, I’m bitchin’ bout calls,

The Knicks were eighth in assists that year, but first in passing the rock.

The NFL's treatment of Kerry Rhodes can be linked directly to their pro-HIV stance. After his inevitable set of concussions, they just don't want him to be passing out free safety.


Of course it's Patriotic. That's Junior Seau's current likeness.

All these selfish assholes on the field and QB's wanna mess with other receivers SMH...

Q: What's black and white and read all over?

I'd propose that the biggest obstacle holding the US back from being an elite soccer nation is for two larger reasons than its opponents and geographic isolation.

In ten years, James Gandolfini will have had a better life after a blackout than Vodka_Samm.

With her tawdry eye make up and drinking habits, some people are calling Vodka_Samm the next Amy Winehouse.

Based on how Sullinger performed last season, we can assume his girlfriend's name isn't Expectations.

Two Bucs for anything is the best deal a Redskin ever received.

I picked up your book yesterday and am only a chapter or so in, but you wrote that reaction speed is an inappropriate test to be running as one of the player evaluation tools, since the majority of people have around the same speed of reaction (Pujols being in the 66% of selected college students was the example).