Looks like she build herself a Leg-o.
Looks like she build herself a Leg-o.
It's Atomic Robo, by Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener. It's a pretty fun action-adventure comic. There are currently 7 volumes and the 8th just started, but you can read them in any order, so just start with whichever one looks interesting.
So you praise the older games but say 13 has simple combat? lolk
Outside Magazine recently published a funny-but-also-deadly-serious listicle of the Ten Worst Ways to Die in the Wild
How do you know they didn't add the parallax effect, THEN pull the shadows because they realized it looked stupid? You stated it as a fact, not an opinion. You bolded the word "had". They HAD to add the parallax effect because they removed the drop shadows. Sorry, but that is a dumb thing to say.
Tesla should just send in this guy:
Because they got rid of the shadows, they put up the "Layers."
The title of this article is exactly what the difference is between designers and people who write op-ed articles for Gizmodo.
Oh snap, son! You just got TOLD.
It wasn't really grammer, nor grammar even, but more of a spelling error. I don't normally correct people's English, but it seemed like you might be suggesting you were more intelligent than the millions of people you labeled as inbred rednecks.
It has every single one of the significant's.
You should read articles.
Did you read the rest of the story?
Damn, now that's impressive. Wonder if he/she got hit on by furries?
Welcome to Midnight Oil, where we keep you awake with pornographic images of cars that are sure to haunt your dreams.
I'm going to post this here and it may quite possibly be very unpopular and I have zero fucks to give in that case otherwise I wouldn't be posting it.
I can understand the parallel parking comment.
Some random advice studios should follow (but likely won't) when considering a female superhero film:
It's a Jeep thing. If you don't understand the answer is: "because Texas."