
Well, they also announced 3 sets of Beats headphones that resolve all those issues if the Airpods aren’t your thing. So they already provided other options.

God damn it CBS.

If Annalee was Kirk, and Charlie Jane was Picard, does that make you Janeway?

It’s not that hard when the entire house is one room.

Ron’s son worships Lord Voldemort. Harry has gone missing. The Death Eaters have given way to the First Purebloods, commanded by Supreme Leader TotallyNotVoldemort.

Well, the 2016th season of Earth sucks so far. I don’t get why the writers have to kill off so many loveable characters.

Branson also released this image of the first test pilot

I love how the X-Men crew is basically saying “nah, we’re not doing crossovers,” but the higher ups are desperate to make it sound like they’re gonna support this franchise, and spouting off whatever they think will get people to see this thing.

When asked about her role in Star Trek 4, actress Yolanda Gray denied the rumors. “I’m playing a science researcher named Jane Do,” she said. “I don’t know where they got the crazy belief that I’m hiding some ‘true’ role.”

I would guess that means neither of them are dead.

Calling it now. Those security guys? I bet they turn out to be robots!

Think of it as a sneak preview for the titles you know are coming.

What's up with your subhead format inconsistencies? Some are bold, some are a different font. I'm sorry, but my obsessive attention to detail Spider Sense has been tingling about this lately (I used to be a layout designer).

The moment I looked at this, with the costume in all it's glory and Ant Man riding a freaking ant into battle, all my concerns about the behind the scenes drama were swept away and only one thought remained: