ALWAYS have a recorder at the ready though. That’s just journalism 101. (And despite claims Gawker media is “just a blog”, let’s be real—they break stories all the time that make it to the big show, so that argument doesn’t hold water.)
ALWAYS have a recorder at the ready though. That’s just journalism 101. (And despite claims Gawker media is “just a blog”, let’s be real—they break stories all the time that make it to the big show, so that argument doesn’t hold water.)
Sounded like Jack McBrayer had himself a good time.
That Silver Hero4 isn’t too bad a deal—gives you a case and starter memory card. The real deal though is the $70 gift cards—you could use them to price match accessories on Amazon you’ll be needing for your camera. I saved about $40 on three accessories when I showed them how much cheaper Amazon had them. Makes your…
That Silver Hero4 isn’t too bad a deal—gives you a case and starter memory card. The real deal though is the $70…
Oh good. I say the EXACT same thing every time he posts GotF as a deal. We need to stop the pain. It’s the greatest movie you never want to see again.
Oh good. I say the EXACT same thing every time he posts GotF as a deal. We need to stop the pain. It’s the greatest…
Phil LaMarr reprising his role as Marvin is just perfection—and a lucky break for MadTV at the time.
I think Incognito Cinema Warriors XP covered it fairly well a few weeks ago:
Ultra Games (an offshoot of Konami) was also here—they published Metal Gear and Skate or Die! to name a few, as well as Bally/Midway, creators of Arch Rivals, Spy Hunter and Rampage. A few of the employees went on to create Game Refuge, which still produces work out of Downer’s Grove. Almost had a job with them once.
Shep, I don’t know why you bother with these cable “deals”. Monoprice sells these every single day for even less. I picked up a six foot lightning cable, free shipping for $9 last week. I don’t have to worry about a sale, they’re always there, always reliable. Every cable I need I get from them. There is truly no…
Shep, I don’t know why you bother with these cable “deals”. Monoprice sells these every single day for even less. I…
Honestly, I was going to up and quit too without a second thought if I got picked, but I had a 50/50 chance, and it paid off.
Bless you. If you hadn’t posted it, I would have.
Company parties—especially ones that involve liquor—often cause inter-office hanky-panky. People get loose and try taking a shot at someone they like, no matter the situation.
Actually this just happened recently in the news: couple of kids were seen playing in a McD’s playground for hours unsupervised.
I would make a beeline for the comics spindle or the section with the collected comic strip books of Heathcliff or Calvin and Hobbes.
To be fair, guys do get hit on too. I had at least a dozen women try to ask me out over the course of a decade in retail, all because I was nice and spent time taking care of their in-store needs. I declined most of them because I was either dating someone or because I found their character not appealing.
FrownTaco said it was a strip mall. They rarely if ever actually have public bathrooms.
Every couple of months?! Sounds like you had a serial poopflinger who liked using your bathroom.
I had the same thing happen to me at a grocery store I worked at: top-to-bottom feces. And on a seven foot ceiling. I mean, someone would have had to physically reach in to the tiolet and fling it up there—it just didn’t seem possible how else it would have gotten so high.
It’s an insurance issue on many levels.
He was likely airlifted in. He looks more like a lumpy leader who just got out of Supreme Dictator Two.