
Um, Grayson didn't write this article. Your rant has fallen on deaf ears.

Outside of the name embroidered on and the power symbol, I can pretty much guarantee this pair is just a design used by multiple companies with their names slapped on them. Champion makes a pair with the exact same design—right down to the gold fingertip.

Outside of the name embroidered on and the power symbol, I can pretty much guarantee this pair is just a design used

Thank you!

I know, right? My mom paid pretty close attention when it came to toys, despite pretty much relegating me to buy my own if I wanted them (short of Christmas, of course). It absolutely blew my mind when I realized she had scored the whole set.

It's funny you say that—people are actually taking photos of the set of the existing Autobot team "capturing" the lone Decepticon.

That box set was not cheap—most kids had a very hard time trying to convince parents to buying it for them.

I'm actually okay with Alpha Bravo being part of the team. His slower flightspeed is actually a plus since he'd be better for attacking wedged-in ground targets, seeing as how heavily armed he is in flight mode. This is why the A-10 Warthog (Powerglide) is a favorite amongst the armed forces—it can do more than a

Maybe Hasbro was afraid no one would want the Stunticons nearly as much as the Aerialbots and decided to throw Dragstrip in to "obligate" customers into buying him, and then "obligating" them to buy the remaining four in the months to follow. "I can't have just ONE Stunticon, I have to complete the whole set!"

Stargut: SG1

Too late.

The problem with Uncharted (any version) though is it too has wide-open rooms with waist-high obstacles with no guards all the time, until you're about halfway in and they come rushing in from the front AND the back, despite the fact there's no conceivable way they got behind you (since often the passage closes off

Double post. Yay, kinja!

Actually, I can blame customer service quite frequently when it comes to Comcast.

Errant vehicle kills sans drivers happened quite frequently to me (I was usually shot out of mine), and I always felt it was a good death when it'd drive away killing someone in the process.

Only if you knew they were there to begin with...

Frankly, that just makes it even better.

Nailed it!

I'm actually sad the NPR story didn't top the list. Really shows the current state of social media and the importance of actually reading before flying off the handle. Not that the internet is exactly the model of civility, intelligence or reasonable discourse, mind you, especially comparing it to the "top" article.

I can vouch for this. Came home one night, too long a drive from too long a day—knew. Was exhausted.

Who says he even has to know he's the one who shot her? I can't imagine thrusting guilt onto someone years, decades after the incident. Perhaps simply saying she was accidentally shot due to poor gun safety is enough without assigning him the burden.