
That's what I thought too.... Dude, hold the baby so the lady can hold her dress, and the stairs...in the heels

I have two stubborn chin hairs too, and I totally know what you mean about the two days where I can feel them but not pluck them. THE WORST. I tell myself that no one knows they're there even when they're long, but it doesn't help.

YES! I get the double blackhead too!

I have that hair on my boob.

I don't believe it


Agreed. I didn't eat much butter to begin with, so it hasn't been something I immediately miss, but when the alternative is Earth Balance...

I do talk to my grandparents pretty frequently; I'm realizing, though, based on what others are saying that my frequently is different from a lot of people's...

My mom is supposed to call me every other week, but she often forgets. And my dad calls when he feels like it, which is approximately every other month. I'm/We're working on it.

He's there! I found him! Dodai missed it, but someone else pointed him out in another thread.

Yes, please and thank you

Party Down!


Yes, same. As soon as I looked it up I thought, "Oh, of course it's that."

I *was* one of the 77% who did not know what SEO meant. BUT NOW I KNOW.

Love this. Would bring it to my sweetie's cousin's fancy wedding.

I saw that and thought, "Oh! We could be friends and finally I'd have someone to talk about these books with!" Never thought I'd think that about someone on reality TV!

For complete argument, see John Rawls, the veil of ignorance ;)

In my experience (of being in this particular department a while back) they often did. It was a relatively small amount of misbehaving faculty too.

Thanks. Yeah, it just sucks that there isn't an easy way to get around it. I'm one of the people who was totally demoralized when I left, in part because of these issues. We philosophers tend to think of ourselves as being very good at reflection and it is just especially disappointing when failure to do so (again, by