
Yes. What, exactly, did she get removed?

This was my question. I don’t think I’ve read a paragraph that just got more and more incomprehensible and self-centered that didn’t end in a WH official getting fired. 

Mary: I have a bad, dark place, going to hospitals. I told you I had 12 surgeries getting all my odor glands removed. The worst experience of my life. Dark, very dark. I mean, they lost me twice. I was dying on the table two times. And so that smell... I don’t care if I need a nose job, I am not going to the

I think it would behoove some women to take a picture of Madame with them to plastic surgeon to give them a heads up of who they don’t want to look like.

What is an “odor gland”?  I mean, I can imagine what it is on a skunk.  But on a human? 

I’m assuming that Dan won’t still be Gossip Girl, although making a 30 something year old man Gossip Girl would fit in with his new You persona.

She’ll be 35 in ‘26, so ... 28

AOC/Fetterman in 20whenever-AOC-is-old-enough.

It’s because infotainment has become too lucrative and legitimized. Rupert Murdoch has made a fortune from pushing gossip/conspiracy theories/outright lies. Why? Folks are too lazy or stupid to search out things on their own and arrive at the right conclusion. Mysterious illness killing large numbers of people? Must

Anything surprising, counterintuitive or freakish is “news” and will be broadcast far and wide.

Fetterman is definitely worth following on Twitter. He’s been posting for days that math doesn’t have a bias, and that he’ll spot the GOP 10,000 votes in PA if they want to do a recount. And then there’s this gem:

The media will stop giving them a platform when we have a functional FCC again.

He looks like the kind of white person who argues that it’s unfair that only Black people can use the n-word.

We definitely won’t because the media will never stop giving these idiots a platform. As much as I don’t like censorship, there is a line of truthfulness that Trump has pushed way beyond and that we’ve just grown accustomed to tolerating. I honestly feel if the President’s press secretary knowingly lies to the

Parscale looks just as I imagine every Trump supporter to look (the white ones, that is). Pasty pale skin (sitting in the basement playing video games), thinning hair, some ass ugly beard, tattoos (American eagles, guns & ammo stuff), cargo pants/long baggy shorts in camo print, a truck (with bumper stickers), a

Brad Parscale is that special sort of white supremacist that doesn’t even need to say anything. You can tell he’s a horrible human being with horrible opinions just from looking at him. Is it his grooming? His “fashion sense?” Or is there a “hate-filled manchild” gene that also causes a person to look a certain way?

I mean, I despise all these people, but they’re not wrong. As long as Trump is alive and even semi-coherent, the R nomination is available to him in 2024, and he has a real shot of winning. Just take the 70+ million who voted for him this time, and remove a few from the other side who have their opinion of him