
I think you meant BlackFACE :)

Am I the only one who the E! links don't work for???

Haha! I am actually going on Monday the 14th. Bummed to know I am missing women in magic week!

Sorry—I live in California and every day I am so thankful to live here. We are on top of all the ACA stuff, have excellent gun control laws, not nearly as many religious nutbags as everywhere else, I could go on and on...

Is this like what was happening in Scandal?? Scary!

Hey—I am a child of the 80's and we all read Flowers in the Attic too! This is one old-school book.

Thank you SO much for this. I found out I had a brain tumor when I was 34. I have 2 young children. The chance that I will still be alive when they are teenagers is very slim. When I hear people bitch about getting old, it makes me so angry...try being in your 30's with a terminal illness and then tell me again

I know! When they told me it would take a (relatively) long time to get my screen replaced, they just gave me a brand new laptop! It was a several years newer version too. The BEST customer service!

You know, I've witnessed him driving on the freeway here in LA before, and all I can say is that it is a miracle that he is still alive...

Hahahaha! That'll be the day.

Ahhh! I thought that too! Creepy O_O

Ive gone a couple times and it's kind of corny, but really fun. We won 8 tickets at a school auction, and can't wait!

Who ALSO looked like she'd had a lot of work done on her face...

Thank you for this! Our country eats entirely too much meat, and actually too much protein. I am vegan and I can't even tell you how many people are concerned about how I get my protein. How do elephants and horses get their protein? The same way I get mine...

Warrant went to my high school!!

USD is a Catholic school...so, not surprising.

So a new commenting section again? I kinda liked the one before...

Agree—she is stunning!!

I miss the side bar too! Bring back the side bar!!!

I went to college (and am from) California, but one of my best friends from college was from Texas. The first time another California friend and I visited her at her home, she had a bunch of these pinned to her wall. She tried to explain, but it was the weirdest thing I had (and have) ever seen...