
Where's the rope?

Hey! My husband and all his friends are from Chico—what an awesome place!

I couldn't agree more!

For what it's worth...the costumes are semi-expensive, but the shipping to me is what's exorbitant! I also found the EXACT same astronaut costume that is in the catalog for $68, for only $22 on Amazon! And my daughter wants to be a girl from India, so we found her a saree in Little India. Win-win!

Here's mine...Miley Cyrus looks like a "young Audrina Patridge" in this Prestige magazine shoot. Either that or a Photoshopped mess.

My son (who is 2 1/2) loves bows, flower headbands, sparkly dresses, and pink. He also has an older sister who loves these things too...and he wants to be just like her. Every boy that I know that has an older sister is exactly the same, and they usually grow out of it.

What??!! I live in Southern California and it has been blazing! In Pasadena on Friday I think it was 108—everyone was joking that it felt like Palm Desert!

I don't think these people were especially wealthy, just stupid and spending beyond their means.

In what weird world is Demi Lovato friends with Kim Kardashian—pretty sad when your wedding is a cry for publicity.

I think that Leann just likes to post skinny pictures of herself because she is insecure...then pretends to "defend" herself and say she is healthy. I would be insecure too if the man I married was someone who cheated with me.


Someone I know mentioned that they saw her at the airport wearing a horrible outfit—now I see what she meant!

She is beautiful—absolutely perfect for a ballerina!

@Allabouteve: I don't think Jennifer has been playing the victim—I think the tabloids have portrayed her as a victim.

@curmudgeon5: I agree. I read profiles on the two of them before they were on the show, and I thought I would like Jennifer, but not Sonia. It turned out to be the opposite.

@starfishtat: The CVS(?) test done at around 12 weeks can tell the sex...

Those just can't be comfortable.

Wow! She was more pregnant than anyone thought!