
Joffrey needs to die in Game of Thrones. Painfully. Yes, yes i've read the books but i'm in favour of this change to the scheduled series of events. Just start series three, Joffrey being killed horribly. Possibly stretch out his misery into episodes 2 and 3, but he must die.

She became the Poochie of Doctor Who. She was doing cooler things than the Doctor, she knew more than The Doctor, when she wasn't around everyone was asking "Hey? Where's River?" she is the personification of Homer Simpsons desires for Poochie. She needs to go back to her homeworld. And die on the way there.

Or he could just not like anime. I don't either, just for the record. Is that dismissing it? No, no more than saying i don't particularly like Van Gogh is dismissing him as an artist. I just don't like it.

Alucard as an alias of Dracula or vampires related to him has been used since 1943. So if you want to criticize someone, best go after the fellas who made Universals 'Son of Dracula'. Slight problem though - they're both dead.

His Twitter is also similarly amusing, with its happy birthday wishes to various successful actors...yet none ever sent in return.

Your evidence that there is a god is?

It does however mean that if there is a god, it's not the christian one. Which given his predilection for genocide, slavery, mutilation and hate, is a good thing.


Burn it. Burn it with fire.

Opens up a load of possibilities...already being explored by the far superior (pun intended) Scarlet Spider comic.

I can recommend "The Scapegoat", a nice romp in World War II Paris with a nifty alien race. I also quite enjoyed "The Cannibalists", with its rather endearing Robots.

Wolverine: Uncanny X-Force #34. And he saved it not by stabbing something with his claws but by teaching a kid that revenge doesn't get you anywhere.


Yes its gay marriage destroying humanity. Pedophilia though? Nah, that's just a hobby for priests.

Humpty doesnt have a chance.

Its based on a real, awful article posted on i09. And barely changed at all from the original drivel.

Ding ding we have a winner.

There are four series of the IT crowd.

There was another explanation, i think it was Professor Brian Cox who expounded it on a Radio 4 broadcast, that the reason why we haven't detected radio transmissions is because a civilization only produces them for a very limited time.

Visit Australia: The continent where every living thing is actively trying to kill you.