
They're not that good at starting them either!

I stand corrected...Cadillac's CAN get fuglier!

The problem is, if you enable this on your iOS device, it will delete ALL photos and videos that have been synced from your computer. That's over 8000 in my case. If it deletes all those, then there is nothing to sync to your other iOS devices. There is still no way to sync the photos and videos from your computer to

And why is she riding a bike on the sidewalk? She deserved a smack down just for that.

So this is what hipsters do when Whole Foods is closed?!

But if the light is green then you don't have the right of way to turn, through traffic does. The only time turn traffic has the right of way is when there is a green arrow, otherwise you stop and wait to turn until the coast is clear

A flashing yellow arrow is different than a flashing yellow light, and thus has different requirements. So the comparison is pretty much moot.

Then...why is the girl trying to look like a boy? I just don't get it.

Why is it they can bail out a company that makes inferior products so that they don't go out of business, but they can't afford necessities like this? There's even a union involved! Is this one of those things that has to wait until after a round of golf?

How could you forget this one?!

Those black wheels are a real buzzkill, hopefully we'll get to see some shots with regular wheels soon!

PT Cruiser and the hideous knockoff GM Cruiser (HHR)

That's a man baby!

Well now I'm sure the buckets needed to be certified by the union or this whole thing would not have been official. And obviously they had to create special positions and hire new employees to lift and pour the water (didn't see any ice in there) since it's not in any current job descriptions. I wonder if that money

"I know GM had crappy output in the '80s and" is still going at it!

I'm thinking eating hot dogs/multitasking is a common thing for her?

And this guy, or girl!

They're mostly correct, the terrorist organization is called the UAW

Perhaps they should wait until the article is correct before they post it!