
And while I'm at it, a Royal flush with a 1980's kids Range Rover with bonus video:

I'll see your UPS Van, and Raise you a mini Ute Toyota Land Cruiser .

Decon QT approves this post.

A Message to Dodge:

Yes because:

Yeah, at the time I remember thinking it was not that bad but that was long time ago I'm sure my perspective will have changed....Or was just because I liked the custom Ambulance and nothing else?

No way, those seats don't look comfortable enough.

Only thing some of us are victims of is this little treasure he gave us in the 80's:

Good to know:

The Razor never made in to production bad move.

Yeah first things that came to mind.

Things I liked about Trapster

You know what's a common consumable in a modern automobile, orphan or not? That's right, it's the battery. Dang but it seems like we go through those like Charlie Sheen goes through hookers, at least based on the pile of core returns I see at my local AutoZone.

Rather have a standard Escort RS Turbo.