
This car facial expression looks confused, and embarrassed to be here, or any where for that matter.

Because it's Rare five speed auto. Perhaps it has rare problems too? Lexus are meant to be rock solid in build quality. Unless the previous owners abused it to hell, and back.

Top five dream cars to race from any era?

Add some Pasta, Alpha Romeo. Like it!

Bring back the 2 door Tahoe!

Audi Q is that you?

Audi R8 all the way.

Loving the morphine.

Say No to Auto Box.

Ah the Big Red Button.

Buttons Galore!

This was a sign.....A sign to install a Porsche 911 engine. And beef up the security too.

Last of air-cooled Porsche 993. They looked great then, and they still look great now!
