
I seriously have to wonder that if this piece of drivel was written about any other minority group it would be given the accolades this one seems to be enjoying. "Here's the problem with Black Men." "Here's the reason Hispanic men treat women like shit." "Jews are a bunch of woman haters." Do some gay men hate women?

There is a simple reason for this really, which you can find in most guides to writing screenplays or novels: conflict. Television and books are not like real life. Characters need to exist in a state of constant conflict in order to be interesting. It's not that it isn't possible for a screen couple to be married and

Partner angry and grossed out that you masturbate = this relationship is doomed. run. RUN.

None of this changes that fact that hell would be being locked in a windowless room with Nicki Minaj and spending eternity with her trying to get your attention.

The good news (sort of): in the end you have way, way, way more to fear from the sugar in non-diet soda than the extra ingredients. This has nothing to do with the sugar used being "high fructose corn syrup." It has everything to do with the super high concentrations of sugar found in colas, which would be very hard

In fairness, implying I'm a pedophile doesn't make you look rational, so we're even.

No. The defendant isn't a person of color, robbing Jezebel of an opportunity to gleefully point out that the deceased was a "creepy white guy."

Are you implying she deserves "compassion" because it is Arizona but not if she was in any of the various places where the age of consent is 16? Why does it bother internet "feminists" so much that at some point women have their own minds and free will?

Thanks for the kindness. For the record, it wasn't the using that made me break up with him. It was lying about using. Even after being caught red handed with needles ("they are flu shots" he said). Luckily we used condoms and both of my HIV tests so far have come back neg.

It's not just kids either. I'm in my mid 30s. I recently broke up with a bf (I'm gay) when I found out he was injecting. I have been around the block a few times myself in the drug scene and thought for sure I'd know the signs. Nope. Anyway a few days later my neighbor needed a ride somewhere, so I gave her a lift. On

Sadly heroin has made a major comeback in the past few years. It's everywhere.

6 was the best. No contest.

I still have a place in my heart for FF1. What FF1 has that FF8 does not: enemies that stay the same level when the player levels up. Global enemy level adjustment has to be the worst feature to creep into RPGs ever. It can work when used selectively (games like City of Heroes used it to great effect) but FF8 was a

My interpretation is that the mother had the children to please her (now dead) husband. A silly as keeping the kids in the attic and torturing them is, people do this sort of stuff in real life.

You're not the first person to ask this question. There is an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to this topic. It puts it pretty succinctly: Watermelons have been viewed as a major symbol in the iconography of racism in the United States since as early as the nineteenth century. The fact watermelon is also fucking

About half of what was in the video would be avoidable if the subject had been standing in proper lighting to start with. Also not sure I believe the makeup is actually a digital effect. Seems more likely they actually had the singer wear makeup in the later shots and there is a discrete cut.

Because if there is any ethnic group that hasn't had a history of misery and oppression at the hands of ruling authorities, it's Eastern Europeans.

Thank you for writing the stupidest post I have ever seen in the history of Jezebel in an attempt to grab the moral high ground.

I will refer to my trans friends the way they ask me to refer to them. I don't give a fuck what some internet social warrior who wants to generalize all trans people into a whole thinks about

While I question the tone of some of the comments I agree that it is possible that cigarette smoking has a possible effect on children. However, it remains true that saying cigarette smoking likely "causes" homosexuality is a huge leap from "is correlated with." Cigarette smoking is also very strongly linked to other