
Who wants to volunteer by posting their photo to the thread and finding out what one can do with "just" a photo? :)

And if the account is fake, or the photo shown is not the person it supposedly is, I am not "defending an abuser." YOU would be the abuser. The broad social justice goal you have in mind has blinded to the possibility that if the person who supposedly did this did not, you are a manifestation of the very thing you

I agree with you. I hold out hope for this site because when they are spot on, they are like lightning. But there's a destructive bent to some of the posts (and comments) that I just can't in good conscious support. In particular, I draw the line at the destruction of individual members of the public based on

ATTN: Jezebel
Subject: Abuse of Platform

Publishing random OkCupid messages along with photographs of alleged users is both naive and unethical. Everything you read on the internet is not real. Publishing people's semi-private information on a nationally read blog, based on a single screenshot (as you have done

So, basically the scenario that led to World War 2. (Said only somewhat cheekily. :) )

In 2008.

As a gay man, I can at least vouch for one thing: urinals are a terrible idea. Seriously the most awkward thing ever. And if you think other guys would be polite enough for you to finish pissing before they hit on you, you haven't met that many guys. ;)

Seventh Thanksgiving since my mother passed, four since my dad. Nothing particularly special or unusual about this year, just another holiday wishing they were still here to argue with over their ridiculous politics. :) Thanksgiving hugs to everyone who's lost a loved one.

In the US, the Department of Labor Statistics is the go-to place for information about wages. The male to female ratio discussed here pans out: in 2012 about 6% of females and 3% of males work at or below minimum wage. In 1979, 20% of women workers earned at or below Federal min. wage compared to 6% now. This is a

This post deserves its own page. Thanks for taking the time for a very reasoned and knowledgeable response.

We're of course assuming he cheated at all. Break ups are probably the least likely place one is going to find reliable narrative.

This seems like something a very wronged person might do... and also something a very controlling or manipulative person might do. Who knows what the case is here. If "Paul" even exists and

FWIW movie producers would film two hours of 3-D static if they thought it would sell. A movie is (usually) an investment project along the lines of a product launch. So seeing a return on investment with this kind of study is very important for getting funding.

Dead on. I have serious problems with elements of the conservative platform, but it's not accurate to paint them as people who don't believe in charities, just like it's not accurate to paint liberals across the board as believers in "wealth redistribution."

And you're definitely a millenial. :)

You make some good points. Unfortunately I think it's a bit more sinister than simply our SJ liberals tending to be provincial (which they nevertheless are). What Western pop liberalism shares in common with Conservatism is a desire to export the American experience to the entire globe. Their stateside concepts of

What IS the significance of the costume? It's called a "geisha" costume elsewhere but that's clearly incorrect. Is this type of robe connected to something ritualistic or problematic, and if so, what?

I'm feeling this. That is how I looked at it when each of my parents died, and basically the way I feel about my friends who have passed, including one who was murdered. The details of their deaths matter less to me than the memories of their lives, and in a lot of ways I can't make a mental connection between the

Interesting thought. I also think that, in fairness to straight people, part of this also comes down to us dressing and acting in certain ways to intentionally stand out and 1) find each other, as well as 2) signify our status to straight people without having "the conversation." There's definitely a set of

I think that's the real color of her breasts/areas of her body that don't see a lot of sun and she is wearing a reddish base on her face. I am not a fan of Katy Perry but to her credit she seems to avoid the typical "tanned glow" look, which is a good thing because tanning is super unhealthy.

I wonder if there is some middle ground between hating the performance but loving the dress. It's more East Asian "inspired" than "authentic" but the colors are gorgeous and the flow of the fabric wonderful.

The mix-match of cultures is IMO a bit trickier, and probably always will be as long as the Epcot World Showcase