How long ago was this. Makes me wonder, if it was him, if it was random or if he found your info through the Gawker account information leak, which put a lot of info into the hands of hackers.
How long ago was this. Makes me wonder, if it was him, if it was random or if he found your info through the Gawker account information leak, which put a lot of info into the hands of hackers.
I'd be willing to bet anyone making a movie of this would be tempted to "humanize" Moore and "explain" why he "is the way he is."
His curse should be to remain forever irrelevant.
That's how she spells her name. She's a good author. But I agree with you, whether she is brilliant or not, the lowercase name is fucking pretentious. Especially for a first and last name that have common dictionary meanings. I had to reread the sentence a few times before I realized we were talking about the person.
Whoah—that's brilliant. I didn't think of that at all. I wonder if they will actually go there.
I am not a fan of Zoe at all. But Madison + Zoe is a pairing that reached out of the screen and smacked me across the face with its obviousness. Why didn't I see it before? It's too bad the story won't actually go there (Kyle appears here to stay), but am I the only one who thinks that 'Zaddison' has more potential to…
Madison is definitely Frankenfurter. Zoe is Janet.
I figure the rape scene was only put in there because otherwise Zoe would have instantly turned against Madison. The rape makes Madison's mass murder and Zoe's raping that guy to death herself relatively less awful.
Fat chance of that, since debates over "women's control over their own bodies" revolve around cosmopolitan topics like the evils of Photoshop or perhaps abortion, and not how they can be used to stop bullets against their will.
Let's start with the fact that she made what to her is an art-pop album and then literally called it "ArtPop."
Let's start with the fact that she made what to her is an art-pop album and then literally called it "ArtPop."
I'd bet money half these guys are straight.
I'd bet money half these guys are straight.
I'd bet money half these guys are straight.
Unfortunately this video/Andrew Christian in general is not even sexy. This is twinks trying way too hard.
That ugly ass underwear's not helping either.
Unfortunately this video/Andrew Christian in general is not even sexy. This is twinks trying way too hard.
That ugly ass underwear's not helping either.
Unfortunately this video/Andrew Christian in general is not even sexy. This is twinks trying way too hard.
The cynic in me has zero doubts that we will see the cast of this video again... hosting a "Boyzz Nite" in rural Utah or Alabama, with a full page a taken out in Ambush magazine along with a pop-up notification on Grindr.
The cynic in me has zero doubts that we will see the cast of this video again... hosting a "Boyzz Nite" in rural Utah or Alabama, with a full page a taken out in Ambush magazine along with a pop-up notification on Grindr.
Thank you so much for this post. I think your reply also just explained (although not exactly the same thing) how incredibly dehumanizing it feels to me when gay rights activists tell me my rage is "harmless." It is not fucking harmless. I do have power—quite a bit more than many people in fact, because circumstances…
Can we extend this situation to the number of times I've been told that "heterophobia" is not a thing and it is not possible for LGBT to do legitimate damage to straight people because we lack "power"? Is there an argument less empowering than literally telling people they lack power?