
This is mostly Jezebel wearing its guilt hat because they got called out during the Hugo/#solidarityisforwhitewomen scandal. The only acceptable way for diehard leftists to prove they're not racist is to accuse other people of being more racist than they are. Nothing new to see here.

RE: Why so many shoes. I'll trade with you. Better to have this question asked than to be stuck with the opposite curse, which is to be gay and full of unflappable fabulousness but limited to the selection available for men. Sure if you just want something in one of three pre-approved colors (white, black, or tan) in

It has been years since I did gymnastics but I did do it for a few years. I was terrible at it because I lacked the body strength and was too tall. But I did do a lot of spotting and I can say this about the rings: they are a terrifying event that can leave a person seriously injured.

And yet dozens of posters are perfectly fine saying the frat guy deserved to be raped to death for what he did. The cognitive dissonance and need to mitigate is palpable. We certainly aren't talking about whatever personality disorders or mental illnesses the frat guy had. And I agree that wishing rape on people is

Me and an ex-lover (many years after we broke up) were both interested in the same guy, who I will call Kyle. He was this tall, gorgeous thing and he was kind of playing us both. But whatever he was beautiful. Unknown to us at the time, Kyle was also an alcoholic and had a lot of other issues in his life, like the

It's kind of a messed up opinion IMO. Like I said in another thread, if rapist dude "deserved" to be raped, then so did Madison. We have already learned that she is a murderer. But the murder-rape of the rapist guy was portrayed as poetic justice while the lady murderer's rape was portrayed as horrific.

I know it's a spoiler but chatter from people in the know suggests Cordelia's character arc will carry her to much darker places.

What really bothered me about this scene was how cavalier it was about the rape. Want to see how fucked up this scene was? Change Zoe's character from female to male.

The only point I can really back you up on here is that the slave characters we're shown aren't given much backstory. They are just kind of there. We do get to see Angela Bassett do something really messed up to Kathy Bates though. And Jessica Lange suck the life out of that (smoking hot) doctor.

In terms of deaths

Of all the various things that are controversial about this show, the free pass it gets for the scene where a guy gets raped to death is kind of disappointing. Yes, we've established at that point that he's a rapist. I just can't imagine a scene where a female character, no matter how awful or evil she is, is punished

There are like 3 billion people who believe they have a personal relationship with an intangible sky-being who created the universe in 7 days. Viewed on that scale, believing you're in a relationship with a flesh and blood rock star is comparatively tame.

Before jumping on the hate wagon here I have to ask whether this person may have Asperger's Syndrome or a disability in the autism spectrum.

We've had this chat before Jezebel. Seems you never learn.

Creating a Twitter account takes like 15 seconds. It is incredibly easy to impersonate someone else for the purpose of slandering them. Some of these people may have actually tweeted these things. But some of it is probably fake or just using some photo they

In certain regions of the United States everyone serving in an official job capacity or as a customer is addressed with "sir" or "ma'am," regardless of age. It may sound "hilarious" to you but when live where racial tension is A Thing there is good reason to show excessive respect, to everyone. So, in the South in

How about we don't jump into the "rage mobile" approach this like rational, reasonable feminists?

Lena Waithe herself made this comparison. That's why it's in quotes.

I feel like you're watching some other show.

I think Piper's perspective is more complex than people are giving it credit for. From all appearances she is a bisexual woman. Everyone seems to be buildozing past that fact to arrive at the conclusion that she's just shallow, typical WASP. I'm not sure when the last show with such a character featured lesbian sex as

Yes, this show has a white lead. The show also has a bi-sexual lead involved in a straight/lesbian love triangle that it tackles head on starting 15 seconds into the first episode and never makes apologies for. Short of shows that actually have titles along the lines of "This Show is About Lesbians," it is probably

It is for real. Unfortunately, and quite ironically, the American "cultural appropriation" movement is culturally imperialistic, like much of the American liberalism showcased on sites like Jezebel. It assumes anything offensive to a contemporary US American is sufficient to cause world wide offense. Along with our