"How do sluts make friends?"
I take it this researcher has never heard of FetLife.
"How do sluts make friends?"
I take it this researcher has never heard of FetLife.
You have excellent taste in movies.
Sidenote: bottled water is generally a bad thing, especially the cutesy kind like this, but it's also something most people should have somewhere in their homes. Those of you who live outside areas prone to natural disasters may be somewhat off the hook, but not really. Anyone in a hurricane zone, in an area with lots…
You should watch the Christina Warriner video referenced in the article. Particularly everything after 9:30. It makes a very compelling case for why the "paleo diet" isn't really reflective of anything "paleo." It can be a healthy-ish diet, but not because its really representative of paleolithic diets.
Just watched the video. There are a few things I should point out about it since you said you've never seen the show.
The zooming and and out was added by the composer of the video. In the actual show, the camera doesn't usually do that. What looks like side eye at food is more often side-eye at characters.
Several of…
I confess. I am a man nearing middle age and I love this show. It is silly, melodramatic, and the "teenagers in love" drama can drag it down. But when it's at its best—four unlikely Nancy Drew characters trying to unravel a mystery that seems to get bigger and bigger—I think it's really entertaining. I think of it as…
This is the funniest synopsis I've read in a while.
Meagan I want to thank you for your conversation so far. It's given me some things to think about.
If you are looking to expand on the theme of institutional racism, a good place to look may be the Federal Asset Forfeiture program. I don't know much about how numbers for that program break down demographically but it…
Having read some of the reactions to your comment, I'd encourage people to remember that many people say awkward or rude-seeming things about death because they are not sure how to approach it. You know this woman personally and have more context into her actions. She could be saying this in a manipulative way (that…
It's common in molestation cases as well. It's often used deliberately by molesters to control their victims ("you're part of this, you wanted it" or even "I'm doing this to please you.")
I agree that sentencing differences between coke and crack are uh... wack. To me the drug war is a massive failure and has caused a lot of problems, many of them racially related.
I'm going to go out on a limb though and guess though that you've not known too many people addicted to coke vs crack for direct comparison…
New Orleans is also an offender, but it's complicated. NOLA is currently in trouble for alledgedly underreporting rates of assault. The city's assault rate is significantly lower than the rate of murder and comparisons to neighboring regions would suggest. http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ss…
The problem with trying to…
I don't disagree that there are some negative aspects to police presence. I personally am somewhat intimidated by police. The gay community at large had for many years an adverse relationship with police forces, who were used as a instrument of direct oppression. And my anecdotal experience with police confirms what…
I'm sorry I'm unable to answer your questions because I have no idea what you are talking about it or how it connects to what I have said.
This has happened to me on gay issues when I have told a straight person that their arguments are heterophobic or that they are excusing really bad behavior just so they don't seem like homophobes. They assume I am some straight guy or MRA posing as gay. I'm with you though, I think. I get really irritated when…
I'm saying that drug arrests are prejudicial and lead to more violent crime. Surveillance leads to racist arrests leads to convictions leads to more violent crime leads to more surveillance. See what I'm saying? -Meagan Hatcher-Mays
Yes. I think we're in agreement here. I personally think drugs should be a medical…
I absolutely agree with those points in your article. You asked a question about "high crime" areas. It is your position that certain regions of our cities are not significantly higher risk/crime than others. In the case of weed and other drugs I'd would definitely agree with you. I think weed enforcement is…
I'm trying to say that crime is not an entirely subjective idea that a police force can manipulate. I mean, maybe people are being murdered at exactly equal rates all over our cities and then the bodies get moved but it seems like a lot of effort. I understand why people are reluctant to talk about it, but IMO not…
I don't really know how to respond to this. I did not make a statement about "history" or causation at all. I think you are projecting what you think I might have to say about the subject and not reading what I have actually said.
In any case I basically agree with you, except the "white man's burden" point which…
Meagan you are a very intelligent person but I have to question whether you are really asking what defines an area as a "high crime" or just being rhetorical. I do not know your background so I will make the assumption you are not familiar with neighborhoods in the United States where street murder is a way of life.