Or it could exist for the same reason there are "Women's Studies" departments.
Or it could exist for the same reason there are "Women's Studies" departments.
The problem with observations like "they should have known something was up" in cases like this is related to the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy. This is where a person shoots a barn with a bunch of bullets, then goes over to the barn and draws a target around each one. Bullseye every time.
For various reasons in my life I…
Interesting to see Jezebel talking about To Kill a Mockingbird. It's a novel, after all, that centers on a false rape accusation.
Every time this topic comes up and its listed as an example of women getting the bad end of the fashion table, I can't help but be like "whatever." Men's fashion restrictions at these sorts of events are extremely restrained. No shorts, no strapless anything, no shoulders visible (ever), no slits, no tights, all…
I think a harder choice would be between: Ann Coulter, Jan Brewer, and Tan Mom.
It's interesting how post-change, I jump straight to the greyed out comments at the bottom because (barring outright trolls) that is where many of the highly informed detractors who actually know something about the subject end up.
You may want to consider consulting some drag queen tutorials for selecting a base. A drag transformation requires intimate understanding of your base skin color and carefully selecting a color that will "fit" correctly. Usually, drag queen make up is worn heavier than cis-female (or transgender) makeup, but the basic…
Better news would be people slowed down on having babies but I guess this is something.
I loved it up until the end of Season 3. Once it lost Heylia, Conrad, and the setting in Agrestic it just became awful. Celia was the only reason to stick around, and she floundered into uselessness. By the very end the only good, if somewhat creepy, thing about the show was the opportunity to ogle the now-of-age…
Cher's tweeting actually makes me wonder about her literacy. I am not making fun. A lot more people struggle with low literacy skills than many people realize. About 1 in 7 US adults lacks b
Is "plus sized" now a synonym for "healthy?" I was expecting someone... actually plus sized. This girl looks like a normal healthy adult.
Another one for the list, and my absolute highest pet peeve: the Office Couple Having a Very Public Affair. I'm not talking about speculative copulation here. My real life example was when I worked at a company with about 150 employees and a married supervisor and her married employee started showing up to work every…
This can be partly answered by looking back to contemporary reporting from the time. Martin Luther King had been Time magazine's Man of the Year in 1964 (which is not an endorsement of his "popularity" so much as his level of fame at the time, see also Osama Bin Laden). When he died everyone seemed to understand that…
Well written critique, much better than mine. The video didn't make clear for me who the target was. I think a lot of people viewing this outside the circles of Jezebel would reach the opposite conclusion of what the video is trying to say—ie that feminists (at least the ones who made this video) are bullies who make…
What the hell did I just watch? This video doesn't "eviscerate" MRAs. If anything it makes feminists look like reductionist thinkers who can't handle dissent and so resort to name calling and attacking strawmen. It basically doubles down on every negative stereotype about feminist views. What a piece of boomerang…
Sometimes. A lot of escorts refuse to service people they actively "hate" though. They more often simply feel like the client is a customer. Like in any job, there are customers they resent and others they may sort of like. Most customers they just view as financial partners of a kind.
This is really not that different than the porn star acting as an escort. Many strippers also do this sort of thing on the side (and for a lot of them it pays a lot better than their "actual" act.)
I don't think redundant acronyms/initialisms are dumb if the redundancy adds clarity. There is also IMO a very reasonable argument that the some initialisms ("ATM" and "PIN" possibly among them) form a word independent of the source of the letters. It doesn't matter what the letters "really" stand for.
Taken to its…
I haven't found support online for the statement that "conniption" is redundant with the word "fit." The Online Etymology Dictionary gives no origin for the word/phrase other than "American" and the word "conniption" does not appear in any of the various Yiddish dictionaries I consulted. "Conniption" and "conniption…
Lucky for the guys who can actually grow full facial hair. :) Sometimes our genetics dictates another fate (no hair at all or in my case only stache + goatee).