
Something tells me the target audience for a zombie porn flick is going to rate this as around a 1/10 on the concern scale. Hell, if they are getting off watching zombies have sex, creepy makeup is probably a turn on.

The feminine forms (she, her, girl, sister, etc) are also terms of what we might call "endearing exasperation," especially among older gays. It often shows up in melodramatic, campy statements. Whether it is friendly or mean spirited depends on context. Eg "Girl, your rides here" (said as the trash truck drives by)

Well I'm a gay dude but, confession: I find this kind of porn really hot. It provides an image of men I'm rarely afforded. And if the shot shows a lot of the man, its great—a lot of times with standard straight porn, you have to work really hard to even get a look at his face. :)

I don't know what you mean by "if you were a minority." Maybe gay isn't "minority enough" for you, but it is for me.

I'm not sure what question you feel needs answering. The original argument made by the author is absurd. She is upset that someone else contributed more than her. She wants credit for doing work she plans not do. It's nonsense on its face.

I am not a fan of Wikipedia's editing politics overall. However, I know too many successful women (not to mention transwomen) who navigate such environments fine in order to accomplish their goals to assign any sort of gendered opinion to it.

Thank you for your contribution. I do think this article truly sucks and is incredibly dismissive of the time people spend donating their efforts to Wiki. Maybe instead of complaining like the original author did, some readers of this post will get off their asses and actually contribute something rather than whine

There isn't one. It's a free service. Anyone can do it just by signing up.

IMO it takes a lot of chutzpah to not contribute to a project and then to whine that someone else contributed more than you. Do the work or shut up about it. It's not like we're talking about a corner office and a 7K salary. This is a service people provided you for free. I use Wikipedia semi-frequently and I am very

Wikipedia editing is a public service provided by volunteers for free. The first step in any sort of discussion like this should probably be "Thank you to the people who have spent hundreds of hours providing this information at no charge."

This is a very silly article.

I am 34 now and living in Louisiana. I have been out since I was 17. Things have changed in a lot of ways; I no longer fear for my safety quite as much as I used to. When people are ugly to me in public it's more likely others will intervene (in the 90s people would often just stand and watch).

I'm fairly sure white people are a minority in Japan.

As a man who has sex with men, I can say that what the author is describing sounds like the way a lot of gay and bi men behave with other men. Thing is, in the man-on-man world it goes over a LOT better. Verbalizing exactly what you plan to do in explicit detail is pretty common. Certainly not all gay men behave that

I would like an explanation of how exactly the word "papi" is "appropriating." Can we get a list of which completely innocuous terms are "problematic" for which races please? This guy sounds like a douche bag but the way the article is worded makes the author sounds like an omegaliberal who objects to words like "flip

I have to have a magnum, period. It's just a fact. I have had standard sized condoms break several times. It's dangerous, not to mention painful.

There's a detail here that needs to be highlighted. From the court opinion:

Do you believe some video games can have a POSITIVE effect on behavior?

The problem is when people act like privilege is the most important factor in determining happiness and life success. I am gay. By definition I do not enjoy "straight privilege." But to classify that as the only or even just the MAIN struggle of my existence is patronizing. There are lots of straight people (some of

The "dick in your mouth" joke is a mainstay of gay online chat forums. It's ten years old at least. Maybe some straight guys do use it, but that's where I've always heard it.