
Even if the kid was acting on direction of the police to obtain the recording, it would still be able to be presented at trial because it was not obtained illegally, since OK is a one party state. The police frequently "wire" individuals close to suspects in order to obtain information about crimes or confessions.

I don't know about that...depending on the actual text of the Walmart offer, it may just be judicious use of the rules in your favor over the bog box store for once.

Why is the focus not on keeping non-violent offenders in diversion programs rather then prison? Are women now above the law for some reason?

It doesn't go with the nararrative.

Sounds like he got a hell of a head start. Did Chris ever complain about it, or brag about it? Let's let him decide how to view this interaction without telling him how to feel. I know leftists love to tell people how to feel so that might be hard.

This is merely the lefts "zero tolerance" mentality coming back to bite them. Would you be defending her is she had penis?

When you ask her out and she says "no". You should assume every woman is interested in you. That way, you waste less time and opportunity, trying to analyze which girl is and which girl is not. As for asking her out, invite her to an event you are already going to.

Bitch coulda said thank you more. Just saying.

You would think high school counselors are getting kick backs from colleges to promote them.

People need to really push this. One of my freinds is a welder, he has never been out of work and makes significantly more than my friends with masters degrees. His father is an electrician and regularly makes over $80K a year, in a very low cost of living part of the country. Their educations were very quick and

Damn, it must take a lot to get charged in NZ. You can dismiss one person, in any circumstance as "he said, she said", but at some point a pattern is very circumstantial.

Well, that explains things, but, the authorities still need an actual victim to press charges. New Zealand law is based on UK common law, so they need a victim and evidence with a presumption of innocence. I wonder if there is a way to go above the local police to a Federal agency that might not be so ingrained with

Are feminist really anti-men advocates?

They are the kinds of men who mocked my male friend for being a wuss because his wife broke his jaw in a fit of rage and he was unable/unwilling to defend himself against her.

Your mother is right. What kind of emasculated punk of a male has to advocate for his "rights". That is something minorities and women do.

Poor wording, but it sounds like the police have everything they need, names of the perps, video/audio of their crimes, just no actual victims.

Same reason me saying I killed JFK on Vine video means nothing. You have to have a real victim to come forward and pursue a complaint, not just make a report, then want to drop the whole matter. With just onlime boasting, they boaster can just say they were making it up or playing around. No one is going to prosecute

In fact, police knew about the group's active and disgusting Facebook page but say they weren't able to have the thing taken down. [bangs head repeatedly on wall]

Identify the proper authorities for reporting a rape, including a detailed walk-through of how it will be investigated (i.e. commit to a procedure instead of letting the campus rent-a-cops just wing it), and state concrete, serious consequences for sexual misconduct.