Now, if you claim your "unaccompanied minor" is from El Salvador and fleeing gang violence, DHS will give them a free bus ticket anywhere in the US.
Now, if you claim your "unaccompanied minor" is from El Salvador and fleeing gang violence, DHS will give them a free bus ticket anywhere in the US.
This could also be interpreted as a live birth that is premature, because it does not imply a miscarriage or stillborn premature baby. This is also from the old testament. The laws of the old testament (like eye for an eye) where abandoned after Jesus's presence on earth. So this law would no longer be valid. It would…
Hmm, they all apply. 1. I don't think you can separate a sperm and egg once combined, 2a. the "fertilized egg", aka new human being, is distinctly associated with the mother until birth, 2b being individual also applies because it is a separate life inside the mother, 3. ditto, 4. ditto. Next time...take your pick.
I said an individual life, not a living cell. Sorry you didn't actually read the post before crafting your response and wasting your time.
Separately, neither is an individual life. Menstruation is a normal part of life. Getting a fetus vacuumed out of your uterus is not. As for a masturbation, biblically, it is also shunned, so there is a continuity there, even if you don't believe in Christianity.
If the photo of the fetus is "gruesome", how come the act (abortion) is not? Why the need to sugar coat that abortion is simply sucking human looking fetuses out of the mother because there presence is an inconvenience?
I missed the point where he dropped the "n-word", so how is this racist or sexist? They are more jacked than most guys, hence a comparison to a man. Sounded like a joke to me. I don't blame them for getting offended, because that is usually the point of an insult. You guys must have to really try not to laugh when you…
But yet, you just did.
Don't worry I make up for that with a huge penis.
I said "potential victim". Victim hood may require a victimizer, but that doesn't mean you have to be the low hanging fruit that the victimizer targets. I mean no one should rob my house, but I still lock my doors. Simply stating that crime and bad things should not occur is not action, it's inaction. No one is…
Fine, remain a potential victim, it does not affect me.
Every time the medical staff cleans vomit, diarrhea, or blood, they are actively dealing with waste disposal, so I guess they do need a BSL-4 suit after all? You claim to be a doctor, but you certainly don't seem the have the basic knowledge to have graduated from college, much less medical school.
"You catch Ebola the same way you catch HIV", so was the Dallas nurse that caught Ebola from Duncan having unprotected sex with him, or were they sharing needles?
Apologies then for taking the post too serious. I don't work in an office, never have and never will. I learned to type in high school, but if you rarely do it, like any skill, it fades, and rather quickly. I have chosen to hone skills that a majority of 18-30 can't do. Working smart, rather than hard, and being well…
You wrote, " Sure hope that cute guy/girl in the next row never asks if s/he can look over your notes, so you don't have to awkwardly explain how you don't write the letter E to save yourself the 0.1 seconds it takes to write a single letter each time." Why would it matter if the requesting student was "cute" or not?,…
Who takes notes to impress another person? Why would it be awkward to say, "I leave out the "e's" to save time"? You must be very insecure if these are your first two concerns. Everyone can write, not everyone can type. I certainly cannot type as fast as I can write, while listening and learning. (If you are concerned…
Are they trying to cast spells on each other? It looks like the smaller on captured the other ones spirit in her hand.
Why was Harry Potter rap battling that kid from "Everybody hates Chris"?
I guess losing his anal virginity will be coming soon.
So, people should not call the cops, because that would entail them relying on someone else for their safety? I don't really get your point. If you don't feel safe, do something about it because crime and crazy people are not going anywhere. Get a guy, a gun, a dog, move to a safer city or something. Just don't sit…